House Votes To Curb Patriot Act: "The House handed President Bush the first defeat in his effort to preserve the broad powers of the USA Patriot Act, voting yesterday to curtail the FBI's ability to seize library and bookstore records for terrorism investigations.
Bush has threatened to veto any measure that weakens those powers. The surprise 238 to 187 rebuke to the White House was produced when a handful of conservative Republicans, worried about government intrusion, joined with Democrats who are concerned about personal privacy."
Cano�Techno-M�gagiciel Cyberactualit�s - �Libert�, un mot tabou pour l’Internet chinois
CanoéTechno-Mégagiciel Cyberactualités - Liberté, un mot tabou pour l’Internet chinois: "Les utilisateurs de la section MSN Spaces du nouveau portail chinois de Microsoft reçoivent un message de réprimande à toutes les fois qu’ils emploient des mots jugés tabous par les autorités communistes — tels que démocratie, liberté et droits de la personne.
Langage prohibé dans le texte soumis, veuillez supprimer, dit le message."
Langage prohibé dans le texte soumis, veuillez supprimer, dit le message."
NPR : Unknown Bach Aria Discovered in Germany
NPR : Unknown Bach Aria Discovered in Germany: "An unknown composition by Johann Sebastian Bach has been discovered by a classical music scholar in Germany. Michael Maul, a researcher at Leipzig's Bach Archive, found the score two weeks ago among documents from the Anna Amalia Library in Weimar.
There was no previous record of the music, a two-page handwritten aria dated October 1713, when Bach was 28. But the archive has now verified the piece, which had been stashed in a box of birthday cards, as the work of Bach."
There was no previous record of the music, a two-page handwritten aria dated October 1713, when Bach was 28. But the archive has now verified the piece, which had been stashed in a box of birthday cards, as the work of Bach."
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