
Business Intelligence Lowdown: Top 10 Big Brother Companies: Ranking the Worst Consumer Privacy Infringers

Business Intelligence Lowdown: Top 10 Big Brother Companies: Ranking the Worst Consumer Privacy Infringers: "Top 10 Big Brother Companies: Ranking the Worst Consumer Privacy Infringers"

Harvard Gazette: Researchers now able to stop, restart light

Harvard Gazette: Researchers now able to stop, restart light: "'Two years ago we slowed it down to 38 miles an hour; now we've been able to park it then bring it back up to full speed.' Lene Hau isn't talking about a used motorbike, but about light – that ethereal, life-sustaining stuff that normally travels 93 million miles from the sun in about eight minutes.

Less than five years ago, the speed of light was considered one of the universe's great constants. Albert Einstein theorized that light cannot travel faster than 186,282 miles per second. No one has proved him wrong, but he never said that it couldn't go slower."


University of Rochester Press Releases

University of Rochester Press Releases: "Video games that contain high levels of action, such as Unreal Tournament, can actually improve your vision.

Researchers at the University of Rochester have shown that people who played action video games for a few hours a day over the course of a month improved by about 20 percent in their ability to identify letters presented in clutter—a visual acuity test similar to ones used in regular ophthalmology clinics."

The Seattle Times: Business & Technology: A Kirkland cafe with no prices

The Seattle Times: Business & Technology: A Kirkland cafe with no prices: "With its blood-red walls and black leather sofas, Kirkland's Terra Bite Lounge looks like any other coffee shop — until you get to the menu. There are no prices listed. Terra Bite doesn't have them.

You read that right: No prices. Customers pay what and when they like, or not at all — it makes no difference to the cafe employees, who are instructed not to peek when people put money in the metal lock box.

'Does it really matter to any of our patrons ... whether they pay a dollar or three dollars or five dollars?' said Terra Bite founder Ervin Peretz, a 37-year-old Google programmer."