
Acupuncture 'provides twice the pain relief of standard medicine' | the Daily Mail

Acupuncture 'provides twice the pain relief of standard medicine' | the Daily Mail: "Acupuncture is twice as effective at reducing lower back pain than conventional medicines, according to researchers. But pretend acupuncture, where the needles are inserted less deeply, has also been found to have a similar effect, suggesting that the pain relief could be psychological."

Parallel universes exist - study

Parallel universes exist - study: "Parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists described by one expert as 'one of the most important developments in the history of science'."


Cancer cure 'may be available in two years' - Telegraph

Cancer cure 'may be available in two years' - Telegraph: "Prof Cui injected granulocytes from immune mice into ordinary mice, and found it was possible to give them protection from cancer. Even more excitingly he found the transfusions caused existing cancers to go into remission and to clear them completely within weeks. A single dose of the cells appeared to give many of the mice resistance to cancer for the rest of their lives. "