
BBC NEWS | Health | Housework cuts breast cancer risk

BBC NEWS | Health | Housework cuts breast cancer risk: "Women who exercise by doing the housework can reduce their risk of breast cancer, a study suggests.

The research on more than 200,000 women from nine European countries found doing household chores was far more cancer protective than playing sport.

Dusting, mopping and vacuuming was also better than having a physical job.

The women in the Cancer Research UK-funded study spent an average of 16 to 17 hours a week cooking, cleaning and doing the washing."

George Lucas plans to shoot fourth "Indiana Jones" movie in 2007

George Lucas plans to shoot fourth "Indiana Jones" movie in 2007: "Director George Lucas said Friday filming for the much-anticipated 'Indiana Jones' movie will begin next year and he promised it will be 'the best one yet.'

Lucas said he and director Steven Spielberg recently finalized the script, which stars Harrison Ford, who appeared in the three earlier flicks."


Men face jail for rape if women are 'too drunk' to consent in bed to boost convictions | News | This is London

Men face jail for rape if women are 'too drunk' to consent in bed to boost convictions | News | This is London: "Men who have sex with drunken women will be at risk of being convicted of rape under new laws to be considered by ministers.

The legal shake-up would mean a woman would be considered incapable of giving consent to sex if she had been drinking heavily."


Parasite 'turns women into sex kittens' | NEWS.com.au

Parasite 'turns women into sex kittens' | NEWS.com.au: "A COMMON parasite can increase a women's attractiveness to the opposite sex but also make men more stupid, an Australian researcher says."


Most Americans have had premarital sex - Yahoo! News

Most Americans have had premarital sex - Yahoo! News: "NEW YORK - More than nine out of 10 Americans, men and women alike, have had premarital sex, according to a new study. The high rates extend even to women born in the 1940s, challenging perceptions that people were more chaste in the past."


Protective effect from alcohol seen in head injury - Yahoo! News

Protective effect from alcohol seen in head injury - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Alcohol is to blame in many accidents that cause major head injuries, but it also might help people survive after they get hurt, researchers said on Monday.

Researchers examined data on 1,158 patients treated at a Toronto hospital for severe brain injury due to blunt trauma from 1988 and 2003.

Those with blood-alcohol levels up to 0.23 percent -- nearly three times the common legal limit of 0.08 percent -- were 24 percent more likely to survive their injuries than patients entering the hospital with no alcohol in their bloodstream, the study found."

Olive oil may hinder cancer process - Yahoo! News

Olive oil may hinder cancer process - Yahoo! News: "NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who use plenty of olive oil in their diets may be helping to prevent damage to body cells that can eventually lead to cancer, new research suggests.

In a study of 182 European men, researchers found evidence that olive oil can reduce oxidative damage to cells' genetic material, a process that can initiate cancer development."


Diabetes breakthrough

Diabetes breakthrough: "In a discovery that has stunned even those behind it, scientists at a Toronto hospital say they have proof the body's nervous system helps trigger diabetes, opening the door to a potential near-cure of the disease that affects millions of Canadians.

Diabetic mice became healthy virtually overnight after researchers injected a substance to counteract the effect of malfunctioning pain neurons in the pancreas.

'I couldn't believe it,' said Dr. Michael Salter, a pain expert at the Hospital for Sick Children and one of the scientists. 'Mice with diabetes suddenly didn't have diabetes any more.'"

Technology Review: Printing Muscle and Bone

Technology Review: Printing Muscle and Bone: "Ink-jet printers allow tissue engineers to control cell development and could one day be used to construct complex cellular structures."

ABC News: Dutch Pull Plug on Analog Television

ABC News: Dutch Pull Plug on Analog Television
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands Dec 11, 2006 (AP)— The Netherlands ended transmission of "free to air" analog television Monday, becoming the first nation to switch completely to digital signals.


EPA May Drop Lead Air Pollution Limits - washingtonpost.com

EPA May Drop Lead Air Pollution Limits - washingtonpost.com: "WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration is considering doing away with health standards that cut lead from gasoline, widely regarded as one of the nation's biggest clean-air accomplishments.

Battery makers, lead smelters, refiners all have lobbied the administration to do away with the Clean Air Act limits."


Sensible Erection | What Statistics on U.S. Home Sales Aren’t Saying

Sensible Erection | What Statistics on U.S. Home Sales Aren’t Saying: "In reality, homes across much of Florida, California and the Northeast are worth a lot less than they were a year ago. The auction in Naples may have exaggerated the downturn in the market there, but not by much. Tom Doyle, a Naples real estate agent, estimated that a typical house there, sold in the normal way, would go for about 20 percent less than it did the previous fall.

In the Boston area, prices have fallen about 10 to 15 percent since the middle of 2005, estimated Chobee Hoy, who owns a real estate brokerage firm in Brookline."

Link Between Cell Phones And Cancer Not Proven

Link Between Cell Phones And Cancer Not Proven: "A 20-year study of Danish cell phone users shows short or long term use of cell phones is not linked to increased risk of brain cancer.

The study conducted by the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, involved over 400 thousand Danish cell phone users who were tested for cancer up to 21 years after first starting to use cell phones between 1982 and 1995. The cancers investigated were tumours in the brain, salivary glands, and the eyes. Acoustic neuroma (a benign slow growing tumour in the brain's hearing and balance nerve) and leukemia were also covered in the study."

ACS :: Study: No Evidence Cell Phones Cause Cancer

ACS :: Study: No Evidence Cell Phones Cause Cancer: "Summary: Using cell phones, even over a long period of time, does not appear to raise a person's risk for cancer, Danish researchers report. Their study, which appears in today's Journal of the National Cancer Institute, is the first to include people who had used cell phones for as long as 21 years."

NY bans most trans fats from restaurants�|�US News�|�Reuters.com

NY bans most trans fats from restaurants�|�US News�|�Reuters.com: "NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City banned most artificial trans fats from restaurants on Tuesday, forcing national fast-food chains and mom-and-pop diners alike to phase out artery-clogging oils from their cooking.

The law is believed to be the first of its kind in the United States and will require restaurants including McDonald's Corp. to eliminate trans fats by July 2007."

Richest tenth own 85% of world's assets - World - Times Online

Richest tenth own 85% of world's assets - World - Times Online: "Where the wealth is

The richest 2 per cent of adults own more than half the world’s wealth, according to the most comprehensive study of personal assets.

Among the largest economies, Britain boasted the third-highest average wealth of $126,832 (�64,172) per adult, after the United States and Japan, a United Nations development research institute found.

Those with assets of $500,000 could consider themselves to be among the richest 1 per cent in the world. Those with net assets of $2,200 per adult were in the top half of the wealth distribution. "


Ancient Egyptians built Pyramids with concrete blocks, scientists say - World - Times Online

Ancient Egyptians built Pyramids with concrete blocks, scientists say - World - Times Online: "Pyramids were built with concrete rather than rocks, scientists claim
Charles Bremner, Paris
# Method used only at higher levels
# Blocks set using a limestone slurry
How the Egyptians really built a Pyramid

The Ancient Egyptians built their great Pyramids by pouring concrete into blocks high on the site rather than hauling up giant stones, according to a new Franco-American study."


Nintendo says Wii on track to meet targets�|�Tech&Sci�|�Technology�|�Reuters.com

Nintendo says Wii on track to meet targets�|�Tech&Sci�|�Technology�|�Reuters.com: "NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nintendo Co. Ltd. is on track to meet its target of selling 4 million units of its Wii game console globally by the end of the year, with the potential for exceeding that goal limited only by manufacturing constraints, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime said on Wednesday.

'All systems are go for reaching the 4-million target we have in our financials by December 31,' he said at the Reuters Media Summit in New York. 'We will sell everything we make so now it's simply a manufacturing thing.'"

Wired News: Nike IPod = Surveillance

Wired News: Nike IPod = Surveillance: "The Nike iPod gives runners real-time updates about the speed and length of their workouts via a small RFID device that fits into the soles of Nike shoes, and broadcasts workout data to a small receiver plugged into an iPod Nano.

While this setup sounds convenient and cool, it didn't sit well with Scott Saponas, a computer science graduate student at the University of Washington in Seattle. After enjoying his Nike iPod for a few months, Saponas began to suspect there might be other, more nefarious uses for the gear.

He brought his concerns to University of Washington computer science professor Yoshi Kohno and fellow graduate students Carl Hartung and Jonathan Lester. After just a few weeks of tinkering, the four researchers discovered that the Nike iPod is, as Kohno put it, 'an easy surveillance device.'"


RIAA wants the Internet shut down

RIAA wants the Internet shut down: "ONE OF THE lawyers involved in defending cases bought against people by the RIAA claims that if the music industry wins a crucial case, the Internet will have to be switched off."


Brain takes less effort to recognize strong brands�|�Tech&Sci�|�Science�|�Reuters.com

Brain takes less effort to recognize strong brands - Reuters.com: "NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People's brains respond more easily to well-recognized brands, and have a tougher time reacting to less famous ones, regardless of the product involved, German researchers report."

Women talk three times as much as men, says study | the Daily Mail

Women talk three times as much as men, says study | the Daily Mail: "It is something one half of the population has long suspected - and the other half always vocally denied. Women really do talk more than men.

In fact, women talk almost three times as much as men, with the average woman chalking up 20,000 words in a day - 13,000 more than the average man."

BBspot - MPAA Lobbying for Home Theater Regulations

BBspot - MPAA Lobbying for Home Theater Regulations: "'Just because you buy a DVD to watch at home doesn't give you the right to invite friends over to watch it too. That's a violation of copyright and denies us the revenue that would be generated from DVD sales to your friends,' said Glickman. 'Ideally we expect each viewer to have their own copy of the DVD, but we realize that isn't always feasible. "

EETimes.com - Emerging technology sees through clothing

EETimes.com - Emerging technology sees through clothing: "SAN FRANCISCO — Security in airports and other sensitive areas may get a huge boost, thanks to a technology under development that is straight out of science fiction, said to be capable of looking through clothing to detect weapons and other dangerous items. But privacy advocates—and shy people—may have cause for alarm."

Battle of the boxes: PlayStation 3 vs Wii : Moneyweb

Battle of the boxes: PlayStation 3 vs Wii : Moneyweb: "Test of new game systems finds cheaper, simpler Wii to be more exciting and fun."


The Seattle Times: Microsoft's one-day stock plunge: enough to buy all of Costco

The Seattle Times: Microsoft's one-day stock plunge: enough to buy all of Costco: "Microsoft's stock took its biggest one-day fall in more than five years Friday, shaving about $32 billion off the company's market value."

Colbert Lampoons Bush at White House Correspondents Dinner-- President Not Amused?

Colbert Lampoons Bush at White House Correspondents Dinner-- President Not Amused?: "WASHINGTON A blistering comedy “tribute” to President Bush by Comedy Central’s faux talk show host Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondent Dinner Saturday night left George and Laura Bush unsmiling at its close.

Earlier, the president had delivered his talk to the 2700 attendees, including many celebrities and top officials, with the help of a Bush impersonator.

Colbert, who spoke in the guise of his talk show character, who ostensibly supports the president strongly, urged Bush to ignore his low approval ratings, saying they were based on reality, “and reality has a well-known liberal bias.”

He attacked those in the press who claim that the shake-up at the White House was merely re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. “This administration is soaring, not sinking,” he said. “If anything, they are re-arranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg.”

Colbert told Bush he could end the problem of protests by retired generals by refusing to let them retire. He compared Bush to Rocky Balboa in the “Rocky” movies, always getting punched in the face—“and Apollo Creed is everything else in the world.”

Turning to the war, he declared, 'I believe that the government that governs best is a government that governs least, and by these standards we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq.'

He noted former Ambassador Joseph Wilson in the crowd, just three tables away from Karl Rove, and that he had brought ' Valerie Plame.' Then, worried that he had named her, he corrected himself, as Bush aides might do, 'Uh, I mean... he brought Joseph Wilson's wife.' He might have 'dodged the bullet,' he said, as prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald wasn't there.

Colbert also made biting cracks about missing WMDs, “photo ops” on aircraft carriers and at hurricane disasters, melting glaciers and Vice President Cheney shooting people in the face. He advised the crowd, 'if anybody needs anything at their tables, speak slowly and clearly into your table numbers and somebody from the N.S.A. will be right over with a cocktail. '

Observing that Bush sticks to his principles, he said, 'When the president decides something on Monday, he still believes it on Wednesday - no matter what happened Tuesday.'

Also lampooning the press, Colbert complained that he was “surrounded by the liberal media who are destroying this country, except for Fox News. Fox believes in presenting both sides of the story — the president’s side and the vice president’s side.' In another slap at the news channel, he said: 'I give people the truth, unfiltered by rational argument. I call it the No Fact Zone. Fox News, I own the copyright on that term.'

He also reflected on the alleged good old days for the president, when the media was still swallowing the WMD story.

Addressing the reporters, he said, 'Let's review the rules. Here's how it works. The president makes decisions, he’s the decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Put them through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know--fiction.'

He claimed that the Secret Service name for Bush's new press secretary is 'Snow Job.'

Colbert closed his routine with a video fantasy where he gets to be White House Press Secretary, complete with a special “Gannon” button on his podium. By the end, he had to run from Helen Thomas and her questions about why the U.S. really invaded Iraq and killed all those people.

As Colbert walked from the podium, when it was over, the president and First Lady gave him quick nods, unsmiling. The president shook his hand and tapped his elbow, and left immediately. "


CNN.com - FDA says no�to medical marijuana - Apr 21, 2006

CNN.com - FDA says no�to medical marijuana - Apr 21, 2006: "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration said Thursday that it does not support the use of marijuana for medical purposes."

CNN.com - Mexico set to legalize personal amounts of pot, cocaine, heroin - Apr 28, 2006

CNN.com - Mexico set to legalize personal amounts of pot, cocaine, heroin - Apr 28, 2006: "Excerpts from changes approved Friday by Mexico's Senate to the country's Federal Penal Code:

Article 478: No criminal prosecution will be brought against:

I. Any person in possession of medications which contain substances classified as narcotics ... when these medications, in their nature and amounts, are those necessary for the treatment of the individual or persons in his custody or care.

II. Any drug addict or consumer who is found in possession of a narcotic for personal use.

Article 474: (Defines a 'consumer' as):
Any person who consumes or uses psychotropic or narcotic substances, and who does not exhibit any symptoms of addiction."


Technology Review: Emerging Technologies and their Impact

Technology Review: Emerging Technologies and their Impact: "Now Prism Solar Technologies of Stone Ridge, NY, has developed a proof-of-concept solar module that uses holograms to concentrate light, possibly cutting the cost of solar modules by as much as 75 percent, making them competitive with electricity generated from fossil fuels."

Copperfield fools robbers - People - Entertainment - smh.com.au

Copperfield fools robbers - People - Entertainment - smh.com.au: "Illusionist David Copperfield has magically escaped getting robbed.

After his show at a West Palm Beach, Florida, performing arts centre on Sunday Copperfield was walking with two female assistants back to their tour bus when four armed teenagers pulled up in a black car and demanded the group's belongings, according to police.

An assistant handed over $US400 from her pockets while the other gave up her purse with euro200, $US100, her passport, plane tickets and a mobile phone.

Copperfield said he turned his pockets inside out to reveal nothing in them, even though he was carrying his passport, wallet and mobile phone.

'Call it reverse pick-pocketing,' Copperfield told The Palm Beach Post."


Telegraph | News | Bach works were written by his second wife, claims academic

Telegraph | News | Bach works were written by his second wife, claims academic: "Bach works were written by his second wife, claims academic

Famous works attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach were not penned by the great composer but by his second wife, researchers believe.

A study by an academic who has spent more than 30 years looking at Bach's work claims that Anna Magdalena Bach, traditionally believed to be Bach's musical copyist, actually wrote some of his best-loved works, including his Six Cello Suites.

Martin Jarvis, a professor at Charles Darwin University School of Music in Darwin and the conductor of the city's symphony orchestra, said that 'a number of books would need to be rewritten' after presenting his findings to a Bach symposium last week.

The findings have been described as 'highly important' by Bach scholars and will be published in a doctorate, later this year.

Prof Jarvis, who is originally from Wales, used police forensic science techniques to scrutinise manuscripts he believed to be written by Anna Magdalena."


Newsvine - Iran to Let Women Go to Soccer Games

Newsvine - Iran to Let Women Go to Soccer Games: "TEHRAN, IRAN — Iranian women will be allowed to attend soccer matches for first time since the country's 1979 Islamic revolution, Iran's president said in a decree posted on his Web site Monday.

Women would sit in separate section of the stands, away from the usually raucous male fans.

'The presence of families and women will improve soccer-watching manners, and promote a healthy atmosphere,' Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said. 'They will be allocated some of the best stands in stadiums,' he added."

Comic book gives graphic account of 9/11 atrocities - World - Times Online

Comic book gives graphic account of 9/11 atrocities - World - Times Online: "THE official report on the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, already a surprise bestseller, is to burst into colour as a comic book.

Two veteran American comic-book artists, who are more accustomed to working with superheroes, have turned the meticulously detailed 500-page bestselling government document into 144 pages of cartoons. The book, due out in September, illustrates the fate of the four hijacked planes, according to the timeline laid out by the 9/11 commission set up by Congress."


Iran, Russia reach 'basic' uranium deal - Mideast/N. Africa - MSNBC.com

Iran, Russia reach 'basic' uranium deal - Mideast/N. Africa - MSNBC.com: "TEHRAN, Iran - Iran’s envoy to the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency said Saturday the Islamic republic had reached a “basic deal” with the Kremlin to form a joint uranium enrichment venture on Russian territory, state-run television reported."


CEOs say how you treat a waiter can predict a lot about character - Yahoo! News

CEOs say how you treat a waiter can predict a lot about character - Yahoo! News: "Office Depot CEO Steve Odland remembers like it was yesterday working in an upscale French restaurant in Denver.

The purple sorbet in cut glass he was serving tumbled onto the expensive white gown of an obviously rich and important woman. 'I watched in slow motion ruining her dress for the evening,' Odland says. 'I thought I would be shot on sight.'

Thirty years have passed, but Odland can't get the stain out of his mind, nor the woman's kind reaction. She was startled, regained composure and, in a reassuring voice, told the teenage Odland, 'It's OK. It wasn't your fault.' When she left the restaurant, she also left the future Fortune 500 CEO with a life lesson: You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter.

Odland isn't the only CEO to have made this discovery. Rather, it seems to be one of those rare laws of the land that every CEO learns on the way up. It's hard to get a dozen CEOs to agree about anything, but all interviewed agree with the Waiter Rule.

They acknowledge that CEOs live in a Lake Wobegon world where every dinner or lunch partner is above average in their deference. How others treat the CEO says nothing, they say. But how others treat the waiter is like a magical window into the soul.

And beware of anyone who pulls out the power card to say something like, 'I could buy this place and fire you,' or 'I know the owner and I could have you fired.' Those who say such things have revealed more about their character than about their wealth and power.

Whoever came up with the waiter observation 'is bang spot on,' says BMW North America President Tom Purves, a native of Scotland, a citizen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, who lives in New York City with his Norwegian wife, Hilde, and works for a German company. That makes him qualified to speak on different cultures, and he says the waiter theory is true everywhere.

The CEO who came up with it, or at least first wrote it down, is Raytheon CEO Bill Swanson. He wrote a booklet of 33 short leadership observations called Swanson's Unwritten Rules of Management. Raytheon has given away 250,000 of the books.

Among those 33 rules is only one that Swanson says never fails: 'A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, or to others, is not a nice person.'"


ABC News: Exxon Chairman Gets $400 Million Retirement Package Amid Soaring Gas Prices

ABC News: Exxon Chairman Gets $400 Million Retirement Package Amid Soaring Gas Prices: "Last year, Exxon made the biggest profit of any company ever, $36 billion, and its retiring chairman appears to be reaping the benefits."


NATIONAL JOURNAL: Cheney Authorized Leak Of CIA Report, Libby Says (04/14/2006)

NATIONAL JOURNAL: Cheney Authorized Leak Of CIA Report, Libby Says (04/14/2006): "Vice President Dick Cheney directed his then-chief of staff, I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, on July 12, 2003 to leak to the media portions of a then-highly classified CIA report that Cheney hoped would undermine the credibility of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, a critic of the Bush administration's Iraq policy, according to Libby's grand jury testimony in the CIA leak case and sources who have read the classified report."


Apple - Boot Camp

Apple - Boot Camp: "More and more people are buying and loving Macs. To make this choice simply irresistible, Apple will include technology in the next major release of Mac OS X, Leopard, that lets you install and run the Windows XP operating system on your Mac. Called Boot Camp (for now), you can download a public beta today.
As elegant as it gets

Boot Camp lets you install Windows XP without moving your Mac data, though you will need to bring your own copy to the table, as Apple Computer does not sell or support Microsoft Windows.(1) Boot Camp will burn a CD of all the required drivers for Windows so you don't have to scrounge around the Internet looking for them.
System Manager

Optional alt. At startup, hold down the option key (alt) to choose between Mac OS X and Windows.
Run XP natively

Once you’ve completed Boot Camp, simply hold down the option key at startup to choose between Mac OS X and Windows. (That’s the “alt” key for you longtime Windows users.) After starting up, your Mac runs Windows completely natively. Simply restart to come back to Mac."


deseretnews.com | Physicist says heat substance felled WTC

deseretnews.com | Physicist says heat substance felled WTC: "EPHRAIM — A Brigham Young University physicist said he now believes an incendiary substance called thermite, bolstered by sulfur, was used to generate exceptionally hot fires at the World Trade Center on 9/11, causing the structural steel to fail and the buildings to collapse.
'It looks like thermite with sulfur added, which really is a very clever idea,' Steven Jones, professor of physics at BYU, told a meeting of the Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters at Snow College Friday.
The government requires standard explosives to contain tag elements enabling them to be traced back to their manufacturers. But no tags are required in aluminum and iron oxide, the materials used to make thermite, he said. Nor, he said, are tags required in sulfur.
Jones is co-chairman, with James H. Fetzer, a distinguished professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a group of college faculty members who believe conspirators other than pilots of the planes were directly involved in bringing down New York's Trade Towers."


Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Hamas in call to end suicide bombings: "Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

The Islamic group, which leads the Palestinian Authority, says, however, that it may resort to other forms of violence if there is no progress towards Palestinian statehood.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'"


Barbecue meats linked with prostate cancer - Yahoo! News

Barbecue meats linked with prostate cancer - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A compound formed when meat is charred at high temperatures -- as in barbecue -- encourages the growth of prostate cancer in rats, researchers reported on Sunday.

Their study, presented at a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, may help explain the link between eating meat and a higher risk of prostate cancer.

It also fits in with other studies suggesting that cooking meat until it chars might cause cancer."

Oddly Enough News Article | Reuters.com

Oddly Enough News Article | Reuters.com: "NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A textbook used at schools in the Indian state of Rajasthan compares housewives to donkeys, and suggests the animals make better companions as they complain less and are more loyal to their 'masters,' The Times of India reported Tuesday.

'A donkey is like a housewife ... In fact, the donkey is a shade better, for while the housewife may sometimes complain and walk off to her parents' home, you'll never catch the donkey being disloyal to his master,' the newspaper reported, quoting a Hindi-language primer meant for 14-year-olds.

The book was approved by the state's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party government but has sparked protests from the party's women's wing.

State education officials in Rajasthan, a western state known for its conservative attitude toward women, said people should not be upset by the comparison, the paper said.

'The comparison was made in good humor,' state education official A.R. Khan was quoted as saying. 'However, protests have been taken note of and the board is in the process of removing it (the reference).'"

Woman offers $22m to end seal hunt - Middle East - Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au

Woman offers $22m to end seal hunt - Middle East - Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au: "A CONNECTICUT offered Canada $US16 million ($22.25 million) to immediately end a controversial seal hunt, she wrote in an open letter to the prime minister today, but Canada is not biting.
'Your government has repeatedly stated that the $16 million realised from the slaughter of Canadian baby seals is vital to the fishing communities of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and Newfoundland,' Cathy Kangas said in her letter.

'If you stop this year's hunt immediately, we will provide you with this $16 million to be distributed at your discretion.'

But Steven Outhouse, a spokesman for Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn, said: 'The short answer is 'No'. We're not interested in the offer and would prefer she put the money in another worthwhile cause.'

Despite protests by countless animal rights groups and celebrities including Canadian-born actress Pamela Anderson, French film legend Brigitte Bardot and former Beatle Paul McCartney, Ottawa authorised the cull of 325,000 seals this year."


How I Work: Bill Gates - Apr. 4, 2006

How I Work: Bill Gates - Apr. 4, 2006: "How I Work: Bill Gates
Not much of a paper chase for Microsoft's chairman, who uses a range of digital tools to do business."


CNN.com - Doctors grow organs from patients' own cells - Apr 3, 2006

CNN.com - Doctors grow organs from patients' own cells - Apr 3, 2006: "In the new procedure, doctors extract muscle and bladder cells from a small piece of the patient's own bladder. The cells are grown in a Petri dish, then layered onto a three-dimensional mold shaped like a bladder.

In a few weeks, the cells produce a new bladder, which is implanted into the patient. Within a few more weeks, the new bladder has grown to normal size and has started functioning.

Atala is working to grow 20 different tissues and organs, including blood vessels and hearts, in the laboratory, according to the university.

'We're not using any type of stem cell population or cloning techniques, but mainly the patient's own cells that we're using to create these organs and put them back into the patient,' Atala told CNN.

Because the bladders are grown from a patient's own cells, there is no risk of rejection, as in a traditional transplant.

More studies will be needed before growing replacement organs becomes routine, but Atala said the procedure eventually might help ease shortages of organs available for transplant."


Telegraph | News | Government in secret talks about strike against Iran

Telegraph | News | Government in secret talks about strike against Iran: "The Government is to hold secret talks with defence chiefs tomorrow to discuss possible military strikes against Iran.

A high-level meeting will take place in the Ministry of Defence at which senior defence chiefs and government officials will consider the consequences of an attack on Iran.

It is believed that an American-led attack, designed to destroy Iran's ability to develop a nuclear bomb, is 'inevitable' if Teheran's leaders fail to comply with United Nations demands to freeze their uranium enrichment programme."


Extensive Cell Phone Use Linked To Brain Tumors, Swedish Study

Extensive Cell Phone Use Linked To Brain Tumors, Swedish Study: "According to a Swedish study, if you spend many years using your cell phone for at least an hour a day your risk of developing a brain tumor is 240% higher than a person who never uses one. The results of this study go against another recent one carried out in the UK and published in January, 2006, which indicated that cell phone use is safe for humans.

The researchers found that even the location of the tumor, for extensive cell phone users over many years, tends to be on the side of the head where the phone is used."


They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer, an excerpt

They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer, an excerpt: "Pastor Niem�ller spoke for the thousands and thousands of men like me when he spoke (too modestly of himself) and said that, when the Nazis attacked the Communists, he was a little uneasy, but, after all, he was not a Communist, and so he did nothing; and then they attacked the Socialists, and he was a little uneasier, but, still, he was not a Socialist, and he did nothing; and then the schools, the press, the Jews, and so on, and he was always uneasier, but still he did nothing. And then they attacked the Church, and he was a Churchman, and he did something—but then it was too late.'"


Foreign Policy: Fool Me Twice

Foreign Policy: Fool Me Twice: "Does this story line sound familiar? The vice president of the United States gives a major speech focused on the threat from an oil-rich nation in the Middle East. The U.S. secretary of state tells congress that the same nation is our most serious global challenge. The secretary of defense calls that nation the leading supporter of global terrorism. The president blames it for attacks on U.S. troops. The intelligence agencies say the nuclear threat from this nation is 10 years away, but the director of intelligence paints a more ominous picture. A new U.S. national security strategy trumpets preemptive attacks and highlights the country as a major threat. And neoconservatives beat the war drums, as the cable media banner their stories with words like “countdown” and “showdown.”

The nation making headlines today, of course, is Iran, not Iraq. But the parallels are striking. Three years after senior administration officials systematically misled the nation into a disastrous war, they could well be trying to do it again.

Nothing is clear, yet. For months, I have told interviewers that no senior political or military official was seriously considering a military attack on Iran. In the last few weeks, I have changed my view. In part, this shift was triggered by colleagues with close ties to the Pentagon and the executive branch who have convinced me that some senior officials have already made up their minds: They want to hit Iran."

BBC NEWS | Americas | Rice denies US is world's jailer

BBC NEWS | Americas | Rice denies US is world's jailer: "US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said that no-one should doubt America's commitment to justice and the rule of law.

In a major foreign policy speech, Ms Rice said the US had no desire to be the world's jailer, referring to the detention of inmates at Guantanamo Bay.

She said the cause of advancing freedom was the greatest hope for peace today.

Her comments came during a visit to the UK city of Blackburn. The tour has sparked anti-war protests.

'President Bush has stated unequivocally, as have I, that the United States is a nation of laws and we do not tolerate any American at home or abroad engaging in acts of torture,' Ms Rice said.

Protests ahead of Ms Rice's visit

Rice faces protests

'We also have no desire to be the world's jailer. We want the terrorists we capture to stand trial for their crimes,' she said."


TheStar.com - How to spot a baby conservative

TheStar.com - How to spot a baby conservative: "Remember the whiny, insecure kid in nursery school, the one who always thought everyone was out to get him, and was always running to the teacher with complaints? Chances are he grew up to be a conservative.

At least, he did if he was one of 95 kids from the Berkeley area that social scientists have been tracking for the last 20 years. The confident, resilient, self-reliant kids mostly grew up to be liberals."


Personal bankruptcy filings up 30 percent in 2005 - Mar. 24, 2006

Personal bankruptcy filings up 30 percent in 2005 - Mar. 24, 2006: "NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) - The number of Americans filing for bankruptcy jumped 30 percent last year to the highest on record as debtors rushed to file petitions before new restrictions took effect, according to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts."

Tal Afar; war crimes in Bush’s dystopia���������

Tal Afar; war crimes in Bush’s dystopia���������: "Local Iraqi journalist, Nasir Ali, summarized the goals of the siege saying, “Every time the US Army and Iraqi government want to destroy a specific city they claim it hosts Arab fighters and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”

Ali is correct, but there is a more sinister motive as well, the deliberate “preemptive” purging of Sunnis to roll back the mounting pressure from the resistance. The attack on Tal Afar was not a battle with terrorists but a clear attempt at ethnic cleansing.

Following the siege the Red Crescent reported that “170 people from Tal Afar had been made sick from “inhaling gases” and “curious poisons”; another indication that proscribed weapons were used on civilians.

James Cogan reports that, “The US led offensive has left hundreds of homes, shops, offices and mosques severely damaged. US and Iraqi troops have now rampaged through every home in Tal Afar searching for surviving insurgents or weapons caches. When residents are able to return to their houses, they will find their doors and widows kicked in, their furniture smashed, and their personal effects ruined or looted.”

Summarizing: Tal Afar was forcefully evacuated, ruthlessly bombarded, brazenly captured and laid to waste….but no sign of Al Qaida? As Colonel Reilly said, “They went into hiding”. "

Cloned Pigs Produce Healthy Pork?

Cloned Pigs Produce Healthy Pork?: "Pigs have been genetically modified to make their meat as healthy as seafood, researchers report.

But concerns over food safety and the U.S. federal approval process may prevent the tricked-up pork from appearing in supermarkets anytime soon."

BREITBART.COM - Moussaoui Says He Was to Hijack 5th Plane

BREITBART.COM - Moussaoui Says He Was to Hijack 5th Plane: "Al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui testified Monday that he and would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid were supposed to hijack a fifth airplane and fly it into the White House as part of the attack that unfolded Sept. 11, 2001.

Moussaoui's testimony on his own behalf stunned the courtroom. His account was in stark contrast to his previous statements in which he said the White House attack was to come later if the United States refused to release a radical Egyptian sheik imprisoned on earlier terrorist convictions.

On Dec. 22, 2001, Reid was subdued by passengers when he attempted to detonate a bomb in his shoe aboard American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami. There were 197 people on board. The plane was diverted to Boston, where it landed safely.

Moussaoui told the court he knew the World Trade Center attack was coming and that he lied to investigators when arrested in August 2001 because he wanted it to happen.

'You lied because you wanted to conceal that you were a member of al- Qaida?' prosecutor Rob Spencer asked.

'That's correct,' Moussaoui said.

Spencer: 'You lied so the plan could go forward?'

Moussaoui: 'That's correct.'"


The Sun Online - News: Pet food good for you

The Sun Online - News: Pet food good for you: "TINS of pet food are better for you than many fast food meals, boffins have discovered.

Loads of pet food brands scored better than dishes served by High Street chains in research to measure fat, salt and sugar levels.

Nutrition experts discovered that Gourmet Gold cat food has just 2.9g of fat per 100g — a mouth-watering EIGHT TIMES less than the percentage found in pieces of KFC.

The level of fat was also far lower than a McDonald’s Big Mac and a Pizza Hut meal.

The lab tests by nutrition experts discovered that Cesar dog food uses just 4.4g of fat in every 100g — and has lower salt and sugar levels than many dishes served to humans.

Researchers found that KFC chicken pieces were the unhealthiest fast food on test. They contained 23.2g of fat per 100g and 1.9g of salt. Unbelievably, ADDING fries cut the fat and salt levels, with them falling to 12g and 0.7g per 100g."

Guardian Unlimited Money | News_ | Money worries 'affect sex drive'

Guardian Unlimited Money | News_ | Money worries 'affect sex drive': "An estimated 2 million people have lost their sex drive as a result of worrying about money, a survey showed today.

One in five people who said financial problems had affected their relationship said the issue had hit their sex life, according to insurance giant AXA.

Women are twice as likely to suffer from the problem as men, accounting for two-thirds of people who say money has ruined their sex life."

Two years in prison for downloading latest film - World - Times Online

Two years in prison for downloading latest film - World - Times Online: "GERMANS risk two years in prison if they illegally download films and music for private use under a new law agreed yesterday. Anybody who downloads films for commercial use could be jailed for up to five years."


Iraqis killed by US troops ‘on rampage’ - Sunday Times - Times Online

Iraqis killed by US troops ‘on rampage’ - Sunday Times - Times Online: "THE villagers of Abu Sifa near the Iraqi town of Balad had become used to the sound of explosions at night as American forces searched the area for suspected insurgents. But one night two weeks ago Issa Harat Khalaf heard a different sound that chilled him to the bone.

Khalaf, a 33-year-old security officer guarding oil pipelines, saw a US helicopter land near his home. American soldiers stormed out of the Chinook and advanced on a house owned by Khalaf’s brother Fayez, firing as they went.

Khalaf ran from his own house and hid in a nearby grove of trees. He saw the soldiers enter his brother’s home and then heard the sound of women and children screaming.

“Then there was a lot of machinegun fire,” he said last week. After that there was the most frightening sound of all — silence, followed by explosions as the soldiers left the house.

Once the troops were gone, Khalaf and his fellow villagers began a frantic search through the ruins of his brother’s home. Abu Sifa was about to join a lengthening list of Iraqi communities claiming to have suffered from American atrocities.

According to Iraqi police, 11 bodies were pulled from the wreckage of the house, among them four women and five children aged between six months and five years. An official police report obtained by a US reporter for Knight Ridder newspapers said: “The American forces gathered the family members in one room and executed 11 people.”"


Kansas City Star | 03/22/2006 | Pulled over in Kansas? Get ready to show your license, registration — and fingerprints

Kansas City Star | 03/22/2006 | Pulled over in Kansas? Get ready to show your license, registration — and fingerprints: "If you are stopped by police in Kansas, don’t be surprised if the officer pulls out a little black box and takes your fingerprints.

The gadget allows officers to identify people by fingerprints without hauling them to the police station.

Over the next year the Kansas Bureau of Investigation will test 60 of the devices with law enforcement agencies around the state. State officials said similar tests are being planned for New York, Milwaukee and Hawaii."

Kansas City Star | 03/22/2006 | Missouri teen survives ride in tornado

Kansas City Star | 03/22/2006 | Missouri teen survives ride in tornado: "On the night of the tornado, Suter said, he was watching television news in only his boxer shorts when he heard a jetlike roar approaching the trailer he shared with his grandmother and uncle.

He was trying to shut a window in the living room, and his grandmother was in the kitchen, when the tornado struck, he said.

“The window busted, and the door got sucked out,” Suter said. “I looked at my grandmother, and the walls were like Jell-O. The trailer was rocking back and forth. I jumped between the coffee table and couch, and I remember the trailer tipping.”

His grandmother, Linda Kelley, said Suter had hollered at her in the trailer, and when she came into the kitchen “I turned around to look at where he was, and that whole end of the trailer was just gone.”

A large heavy glass lamp struck Suter on the top of his head, knocking him unconscious, he said.

When he came to, Suter found himself in a soft, grassy pasture. Last week a global positioning satellite device used by National Weather Service meteorologist Dave Gaede measured the distance at 1,307 feet from the trailer site."

Two Years Before 9/11, Bush was Already Talking About Attacking Iraq

Two Years Before 9/11, Bush was Already Talking About Attacking Iraq: "HOUSTON -- Two years before the September 11 attacks, presidential candidate George W. Bush was already talking privately about the political benefits of attacking Iraq, according to his former ghost writer, who held many conversations with then-Texas Governor Bush in preparation for a planned autobiography."


Mental fitness new twist in Afghan man's religion trial

Mental fitness new twist in Afghan man's religion trial: "KABUL, Afghanistan -- A man facing a possible death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity may be mentally unfit to stand trial, a prosecutor said Wednesday.

Abdul Rahman, 41, has been charged with rejecting Islam. His trial started last week, and he said he became a Christian 16 years ago."


VOA News - Afghan Man Faces Execution After Converting to Christianity

VOA News - Afghan Man Faces Execution After Converting to Christianity: "An Afghan man who recently admitted he converted to Christianity faces the death penalty under the country's strict Islamic legal system. The trial is a critical test of Afghanistan's new constitution and democratic government."

VOA News - Afghan Man Faces Execution After Converting to Christianity

VOA News - Afghan Man Faces Execution After Converting to Christianity: "An Afghan man who recently admitted he converted to Christianity faces the death penalty under the country's strict Islamic legal system. The trial is a critical test of Afghanistan's new constitution and democratic government."

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Archbishop: stop teaching creationism

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Archbishop: stop teaching creationism: "The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has stepped into the controversy between religious fundamentalists and scientists by saying that he does not believe that creationism - the Bible-based account of the origins of the world - should be taught in schools.

Giving his first, wide-ranging, interview at Lambeth Palace, the archbishop was emphatic in his criticism of creationism being taught in the classroom, as is happening in two city academies founded by the evangelical Christian businessman Sir Peter Vardy and several other schools."


WP: DEA balks at Canada's 'Prince of Pot' - washingtonpost.com Highlights - MSNBC.com

WP: DEA balks at Canada's 'Prince of Pot' - washingtonpost.com Highlights - MSNBC.com: "Emery will get a judicial hearing in Canada later this year. The Canadian justice minister in the new conservative government could block the extradition, but he is a tough-talking former prosecutor and Emery acknowledges his chances are 'slim odds indeed.'

'In the U.S, I have every confidence I would get a minimum of 30 years,' Emery says in an interview in the basement of his bookstore. 'I'll get a longer sentence than I'd get in Canada for multiple murder, for something no one in Canada has ever gone to jail for.'

Here is the twist: Emery welcomes it. Almost.

'I'm interested in whatever would legalize pot fastest,' he says. 'Part of me believes that going to jail will accelerate that process. And part of me believes that if I die in jail it will accelerate it even faster.'

That is as much for Emery's devotion to the spotlight as devotion to the cause, he concedes.

'I'm very interested to see what happens to me, because I think I am a person of destiny,' he says, with no trace of modesty. 'I haven't been fearful since the moment I was arrested. I just felt my time has finally come. . . .

'I've already got this grand-scale epic going in my head. I am out to destroy the DEA and defeat them. And they are out to destroy me.'"

Oddly Enough News Article | Reuters.co.uk

Oddly Enough News Article | Reuters.co.uk: "Under an arrangement between prison officials and San Bernardino, high-risk parolees known to belong to street gangs will be released from custody on the condition that they wear a GPS bracelet on their ankles at all times.

They appear as moving dots on a map and if they try to remove the anklet or enter unauthorised areas the device sends an alert to a base station monitored by law enforcement officials.

The University of California at Irvine will review the results of the pilot program for its effectiveness."

village voice > news > Liberty Beat by Nat Hentoff

village voice > news > Liberty Beat by Nat Hentoff: "On February 16, a British high court judge, Sir Andrew Collins, emphasized: 'America's idea of what is torture is not the same as ours and does not appear to coincide with that of most civilized nations.'

He was referring to a February 15 report by five independent U.N. special rapporteurs on torture that Guant�namo be closed and its prisoners be tried or released."

village voice > news > Liberty Beat by Nat Hentoff

village voice > news > Liberty Beat by Nat Hentoff: "In a startling, ominous decision—ignored by most of the press around the country—Federal District Judge David Trager, in the Eastern District of New York, has dismissed a lawsuit by a Canadian citizen, Maher Arar, who, during a stopover at Kennedy Airport on the way home to Canada after vacation, was kidnapped by CIA agents.

Arar was flown to Syria, where he was tortured for nearly a year in solitary confinement in a three-by-six-foot cell ('like a grave,' he said). He became, internationally, one of the best-known victims of the CIA's extraordinary renditions—the sending of suspected terrorists to countries known for torturing their prisoners.

Released after his ordeal, Arar has not been charged with any involvement in terrorism, or anything else, by Syria or the United States. Stigmatized by his notoriety, still traumatized, unemployed, he is back in Canada, where the Canadian Parliament had opened an extensive and expensive public inquiry into his capture and torture. The United States refuses to cooperate in any way with this investigation."


CNN.com - Judge to force Google's hand - Mar 14, 2006

CNN.com - Judge to force Google's hand - Mar 14, 2006: "SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- A federal judge said Tuesday he intends to require Google Inc. to turn over some information to the Department of Justice in its quest to revive a law making it harder for children to see online pornography."


Media Matters - O'Reilly: Blowing Iran "off the face of the earth ... would be the sane thing to do"

Media Matters - O'Reilly: Blowing Iran "off the face of the earth ... would be the sane thing to do": "On the March 8 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Bill O'Reilly stated: 'You know, in a sane world, every country would unite against Iran and blow it off the face of the earth. That would be the sane thing to do.' O'Reilly made the remark during a discussion of Iran's recent threat to cause 'harm and pain' to the U.S. if it pursues sanctions against Iran in the U.N. Security Council because of Iran's developing nuclear program.

As Media Matters for America has documented, O'Reilly recently declared that 'it's just a matter of time ... before we have to bomb' Iran."

American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Releases First Concrete Evidence of FBI Spying Based Solely on Groups’ Anti-War Views

American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Releases First Concrete Evidence of FBI Spying Based Solely on Groups’ Anti-War Views: "PITTSBURGH – The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Pennsylvania today released new evidence that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is conducting investigations into a political organizations based solely on its anti-war views."


Reuters AlertNet - IRAQ: Women attacked for removing headscarves, NGO says

Reuters AlertNet - IRAQ: Women attacked for removing headscarves, NGO says: "BAGHDAD, 7 March (IRIN) - Since the fall of Saddam Hussein in early 2003, the number of women attacked for choosing not to wear head scarves and veils has more than tripled, according to the Women's Rights Association (WRA), a local NGO in the capital, Baghdad."

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Former top judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Former top judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship: "

Julian Borger in Washington
Monday March 13, 2006
The Guardian

Sandra Day O'Connor, a Republican-appointed judge who retired last month after 24 years on the supreme court, has said the US is in danger of edging towards dictatorship if the party's rightwingers continue to attack the judiciary."

Former Bush Aide Charged in Felony Theft - Claude Allen had recently resigned as White House domestic-policy adviser. By Rachel Shteir

Former Bush Aide Charged in Felony Theft - Claude Allen had recently resigned as White House domestic-policy adviser. By Rachel Shteir: "
By Rachel Shteir
Updated Friday, March 10, 2006, at 5:44 PM ET

When Claude Allen, President Bush's longtime domestic-policy adviser, resigned suddenly on Feb. 9, it baffled administration critics and fans. The White House claimed that Allen was leaving to spend more time with his family, while the Washington Times speculated that the 45-year-old aide, a noted social conservative, might have quit to protest a new Pentagon policy about military chaplains. Allen himself never publicly explained the reason for his departure.

News today may shed light on the mystery of Allen's resignation. According to the Montgomery County Police Department, Allen was arrested yesterday and charged in a felony theft and a felony theft scheme."

Members of US Congress demand Impeachment Inquiry

Members of US Congress demand Impeachment Inquiry: "30 US Reps for Bush Impeachment Inquiry
1. APN Interviews Conyers, Swanson, and Goodman

By Matthew Cardinale, Editor, Atlanta Progressive News (March 10, 2006)

(APN) ATLANTA – 30 US House Representatives have signed on as sponsors or co-sponsors of H. Res 635, which would create a Select Committee to look into the grounds for recommending President Bush’s impeachment, Atlanta Progressive News has learned.

“There has been massive support for House Resolution 635 from a very vigorous network of grassroots activists and people committed to holding the Bush Administration accountable for its widespread abuses of power,” US Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) said in a statement prepared for Atlanta Progressive News.

The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) also released a book, Articles of Impeachment Against President Bush. The Center is extremely influential in high-profile court fights over issues such as wiretapping, the treatment of detainees by the US, and felon voting rights.

“We have the book, we are calling for the impeachment of the President, and we’re supporting Conyers’s resolution,” Bill Goodman, CCR Legal Director, told Atlanta Progressive News.

“The fraudulent basis on which the President got us into the war in Iraq; the obvious criminality of the warrantless wiretapping; indefinite detention in violation of the Constitution; torture as a part of indefinite detention and other ways; special rendition and torture, which is the outsourcing of torture... All of these violate various laws of the US, and they also violate his oath office which he swears to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, and he’s doing just the opposite, he’s undermining the Constitution and attempting to destroy certain parts of it,” Goodman said."


New Scientist 'Mental typewriter' controlled by thought alone - Breaking News

New Scientist 'Mental typewriter' controlled by thought alone - Breaking News: "A computer controlled by the power of thought alone has been demonstrated at a major trade fair in Germany.

The device could provide a way for paralysed patients to operate computers, or for amputees to operate electronically controlled artificial limbs. But it also has non-medical applications, such as in the computer games and entertainment industries."

Gallup: More Than Half of Americans Reject Evolution, Back Bible

Gallup: More Than Half of Americans Reject Evolution, Back Bible: "NEW YORK A Gallup report released today reveals that more than half of all Americans, rejecting evolution theory and scientific evidence, agree with the statement, 'God created man exactly how Bible describes it.'

Another 31% says that man did evolve, but 'God guided.' Only 12% back evolution and say 'God had no part.'

Gallup summarized it this way: 'Surveys repeatedly show that a substantial portion of Americans do not believe that the theory of evolution best explains where life came from.' They are 'not so quick to agree with the preponderance of scientific evidence.'

The report was written by the director of the The Gallup Poll, Frank Newport.

Breaking down the numbers, Gallup finds that Republican backing for what it calls 'God created human beings in present form' stands at 57% with Democrats at 44%.

Support for this Bible view rises steadily with age: from 43% for those 18 to 29, to 59% for those 65 and older. It declines steadily with education, dropping from 58% for those with high school degrees to a still-substantial 25% with postgraduate degrees. "


BBC NEWS | Business | US government near to debt limit

BBC NEWS | Business | US government near to debt limit: "US government near to debt limit
US Treasury Secretary John Snow
John Snow is asking Congress to approve more borrowing
US Treasury Secretary John Snow has told Congress to raise the government's credit limit in order to avoid having some of its operations shut down.

The government needs Congressional authority to borrow and the total accumulated debt is now close to its limit of $8.2 trillion (�4.7 trillion).

If the limit is not increased, the government could find it difficult to pay debts or borrow money.

Congress is expected to agree to an extension, averting any debt crisis.

Massive deficits

In a letter to Congress, Mr Snow said he has already taken 'prudent and legal actions' to avoid reaching the debt limit.

These include tapping the civil service pension funds and using the $15bn in the Exchange Stabilisation Fund, a reserve held for smoothing out volatile movements in the value of the dollar in currency markets.

But the Treasury has warned that such measures will only postpone the credit deadline until mid-March, when an extension will be needed.

This is the fourth time George W Bush's administration has asked Congress to raise the government debt limit.

His administration has produced a series of massive deficits, brought on by the post dot-com recession, tax cuts, the September 11 attacks and wars and reconstruction in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The US government has never defaulted on its debts, and to do so would destroy its credit rating and raise the cost of any future borrowing."


WSJ.com - Capital

WSJ.com - Capital: "American families had net worth -- the value of houses, cars, 401(k) plans, stock portfolios and saving accounts minus mortgages and other debts -- of $50 trillion in 2004, according to the Fed. Its estimate is based on surveys of 4,522 families, with special efforts to include the rich.

How much better off than others are the wealthy?

Those in the 90th percentile -- not Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, but those with bigger balance sheets than 90% of American families -- had net worth of $831,600 in 2004.

That's nearly nine times the $93,100 held by the family at the statistical middle. And it's 62 times the net worth of families at the 25th percentile, the ones who don't have much, but have more than the poorest 25%, many of whom have more debts than assets."


BBC NEWS | Europe | Soviets 'ordered Pope shooting'

BBC NEWS | Europe | Soviets 'ordered Pope shooting': "An Italian parliamentary commission has concluded that the former Soviet Union was behind the 1981 assassination attempt on the late Pope John Paul II."

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Altruism 'in-built' in humans

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Altruism 'in-built' in humans: "Dr Warneken and colleague Professor Michael Tomasello wanted to see whether very young children who had not yet learned social skills were willing to help strangers.

Our closest living relative, the chimp, also shows rudimentary helping behaviour
The experimenters performed simple tasks like dropping a clothes peg out of reach while hanging clothes on a line, or mis-stacking a pile of books.

Nearly all of the group of 24 18-month-olds helped by picking up the peg or the book, usually in the first 10 seconds of the experiment.

They only did this if they believed the researcher needed the object to complete the task - if it was thrown on the ground deliberately, they didn't pick it up.

'The results were astonishing because these children are so young - they still wear diapers and are barely able to use language, but they already show helping behaviour,' said Felix Warneken."


Wired 14.03: START

Wired 14.03: START: "A123's real target, however, is your car. Chiang says A123's cells could lighten a Toyota Prius' 100-pound battery by as much as 80 percent and help boost any hybrid's performance. The quick recharging time - the M1 takes five minutes to reach 90 percent capacity - plus high peak power also would be ideal for plug-in versions of gas-electric vehicles. With a bit more research, the world's roads may someday see fast, zero-carbon autos that zip past gas guzzlers and tank up from the grid faster than a rest-stop Starbucks can serve you a latte."


Adelphia.net - News

Adelphia.net - News: "LONDON (AP) — A Scottish distillery said Monday it was reviving a centuries-old recipe for whisky so strong that one 17th-century writer feared more than two spoonfuls could be lethal."

Blair's wife takes swipe at US over Guantanamo - World - smh.com.au

Blair's wife takes swipe at US over Guantanamo - World - smh.com.au: "Cherie Booth, the wife of Britain's Prime Minister described torture as 'the terrorism of the state, usually practised for the same reasons that terrorists use violence: to break the will of those they cannot persuade by lawful means.'"


Cheney's Canned Kill, and Other Hunting Excesses of the Bush Administration

Cheney's Canned Kill, and Other Hunting Excesses of the Bush Administration: "Vice President Dick Cheney went pheasant shooting in Pennsylvania in December 2003, but unlike most of his fellow hunters across America, he didn't have to spend hours or even days tramping the fields and hedgerows in hopes of bagging a brace of birds for the dinner table.

Upon his arrival at the exclusive Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier Township, gamekeepers released 500 pen-raised pheasants from nets for the benefit of him and his party. In a blaze of gunfire, the group—which included legendary Dallas Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach and U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), along with major fundraisers for Republican candidates—killed at least 417 of the birds. According to one gamekeeper who spoke to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Cheney was credited with shooting more than 70 of the pen-reared fowl.

After lunch, the group shot flocks of mallard ducks, also reared in pens and shot like so many live skeet. There's been no report on the number of mallards the hunting party killed, but it's likely that hundreds fell.

Rolling Rock is an exclusive private club for the wealthy with a world-class golf course and a closed membership list. It is also a 'canned hunting' operation—a place where fee-paying hunters blast away at released animals, whether birds or mammals, who often have no reasonable chance to escape. Most are 'no kill, no pay' operations where patrons only shells out funds for the animals they kill.

Bird-shooting operations offer pheasants, quail, partridges, and mallard ducks, often dizzying the birds and planting them in front of hunters or tossing them from towers toward waiting shotguns. There are, perhaps, more than 3,000 such operations in the United States, according to outdoor writer Ted Williams."


Animal Planet :: News :: Power from Dog Poo

Animal Planet :: News :: Power from Dog Poo: "Feb. 23, 2006 — San Francisco is hoping to convert its dog dung into energy that may be able to power everything from an electricity-generating turbine to a home stove, according to Norcal Waste Systems Inc., which oversees garbage collection, recycling and disposal for San Francisco and several other Northern California cities."


Capitol Hill Blue: Secret Service agents say Cheney was drunk when he shot lawyer

Capitol Hill Blue: Secret Service agents say Cheney was drunk when he shot lawyer: "Secret Service agents say Cheney was drunk when he shot lawyer
Feb 22, 2006

Secret Service agents guarding Vice President Dick Cheney when he shot Texas lawyer Harry Whittington on a hunting outing two weeks ago say Cheney was 'clearly inebriated' at the time of the shooting.

Agents observed several members of the hunting party, including the Vice President, consuming alcohol before and during the hunting expedition, the report notes, and Cheney exhibited 'visible signs' of impairment, including slurred speech and erratic actions."


Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily: "Vietnam man handles three decades without sleep

As songbirds awaken the early risers at dawn on the farm, one resident is already up; in fact, he never slept – not once in the past 33 years."


BBC NEWS | Americas | Man Cheney shot has heart attack

BBC NEWS | Americas | Man Cheney shot has heart attack: "Man Cheney shot has heart attack
American Vice-President Dick Cheney
Cheney has refused to comment publicly on the incident
The lawyer shot by US Vice-President Dick Cheney in a hunting accident has suffered a minor heart attack, a Texas hospital spokesman has said.

He said Harry Whittington, 78, suffered a heartbeat irregularity caused by a pellet lodged in his heart.

Mr Whittington was moved back into intensive care on Tuesday and will be treated for at least another week."

WOAI: San Antonio News - Pizza Toppings Tell All

WOAI: San Antonio News - Pizza Toppings Tell All: "“The combinations of pizza eaters’ favorite toppings show a correlation between those toppings and their behavior,” according to Dr. Hirsch.

'What the Toppings Tell'
The study examined how pizza-topping preferences translate into personality.

Those who prefer non-traditional toppings such as pineapple and onion tend to be aggressive, achievement-oriented, natural leaders. They do not easily suffer fools.

Pepperoni Please
People who prefer traditional, single meat toppings described themselves as being irritable, argumentative, procrastinators, who frequently conveniently “forget” obligations at work and at home.

Meat Fanatics
Those who preferred traditional, multiple meat toppings are dramatic, seductive extroverts who thrive as the center of attention. They crave novelty in all aspects of their life, are fashionable and impeccably groomed.

One Veggie Please
Pizza eaters who prefer traditional, vegetable, one-topping pizzas are empathetic, understanding, well adjusted and easy going, making them the ideal parents.

Pile on the Veggies
Those who prefer multiple vegetable toppings are trustworthy, loyal and dependable. They value friendship as the ultimate manifestation of life’s ideals. They function best in a group environment. They are humble, introverted, and avoid the spotlight.

Additional study findings revealed:
•People are passionate about pizza. Forty-four percent of respondents agreed completely that they are passionate about their pizza topping choices.

•I eat pepperoni, therefore I am. Nearly two-thirds of respondents somewhat or completely agreed that their pizza topping choices reflect their personalities.

•Pizza eaters seem stuck in their ways. Forty-eight percent say they would never try new pizza topping combinations, while 38 percent say they order the same pizza every time.

•Meat edges out the veggies. Sixty-seven percent prefer meat and cheese toppings over vegetable and cheese toppings.

•Toppings rule. When asked if their dream pizza would have more or less toppings, nearly 60 percent opted for a fully loaded pizza. Twenty-seven percent think 10 toppings would constitute their dream pizza."

Telegraph | News | UN inquiry demands immediate closure of Guantanamo

Telegraph | News | UN inquiry demands immediate closure of Guantanamo: "

UN inquiry demands immediate closure of Guantanamo
By Con Coughlin, Defence and Security Editor in New York
(Filed: 13/02/2006)

A United Nations inquiry has called for the immediate closure of America's Guantanamo Bay detention centre and the prosecution of officers and politicians 'up to the highest level' who are accused of torturing detainees.

The UN Human Rights Commission report, due to be published this week, concludes that Washington should put the 520 detainees on trial or release them."

Beer comment scrubbed from NBC story - ThoughtCrimes.org

Beer comment scrubbed from NBC story - ThoughtCrimes.org: "Alert reader StickDog at DU caught this tidbit. When first posted, NBC news quoted Katharine Armstrong as saying:

'There may be a beer or two in there,' she said, 'but remember not everyone in the party was shooting.'.

About an hour later, the quote was deleted from the story.

The original text was captured by Google and you can see it here.

BushCo still has major clout as they managed to remove even this small mention of alcohol.

It begins to make sense that Cheney refused to speak with a deputy until later Sunday morning, if there was a danger of the deputy would smell beer or notice Cheney was obviously drunk."


Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter - Yahoo! News

Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON - Vice President
Dick Cheney accidentally shot and wounded a companion during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, spraying the fellow hunter in the face and chest with shotgun pellets."

Latest Business News and Financial Information | Reuters.com

Latest Business News and Financial Information | Reuters.com: "HOUSTON (Reuters) - The United States will always rely on foreign imports of oil to feed its energy needs and should stop trying to become energy independent, a top Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM.N: Quote, Profile, Research) executive said on Tuesday.

'Realistically, it is simply not feasible in any time period relevant to our discussion today,' Exxon Mobil Senior Vice President Stuart McGill said, referring to what he called the 'misperception' that the United States can achieve energy independence.

The comments, in a speech at an energy conference in Houston, come a few days after U.S. President George W. Bush declared America was addicted to Middle Eastern oil and promised to help the country kick the habit."


Sweden Plans to Be World's First Oil-Free Economy

Sweden Plans to Be World's First Oil-Free Economy: "Sweden Plans to Be World's First Oil-Free Economy
15-year limit set for switch to renewable energy
Biofuels favoured over further nuclear power
by John Vidal

Sweden is to take the biggest energy step of any advanced western economy by trying to wean itself off oil completely within 15 years - without building a new generation of nuclear power stations.

Sweden...gets almost all its electricity from nuclear and hydroelectric power, and relies on fossil fuels mainly for transport. Almost all its heating has been converted in the past decade to schemes which distribute steam or hot water generated by geothermal energy or waste heat.

The attempt by the country of 9 million people to become the world's first practically oil-free economy is being planned by a committee of industrialists, academics, farmers, car makers, civil servants and others, who will report to parliament in several months.

The intention, the Swedish government said yesterday, is to replace all fossil fuels with renewables before climate change destroys economies and growing oil scarcity leads to huge new price rises.

'Our dependency on oil should be broken by 2020,' said Mona Sahlin, minister of sustainable development. 'There shall always be better alternatives to oil, which means no house should need oil for heating, and no driver should need to turn solely to gasoline.'

According to the energy committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, there is growing concern that global oil supplies are peaking and will shortly dwindle, and that a global economic recession could result from high oil prices.

Ms Sahlin has described oil dependency as one of the greatest problems facing the world. 'A Sweden free of fossil fuels would give us enormous advantages, not least by reducing the impact from fluctuations in oil prices,' she said. 'The price of oil has tripled since 1996.'

A government official said: 'We want to be both mentally and technically prepared for a world without oil. The plan is a response to global climate change, rising petroleum prices and warnings by some experts that the world may soon be running out of oil.'"

Schoolboy's bias suit - The Boston Globe

Schoolboy's bias suit - The Boston Globe: "Schoolboy's bias suit
Argues system is favoring girls

By Tracy Jan, Globe Staff | January 26, 2006

At Milton High School, girls outnumber boys by almost 2 to 1 on the honor roll. In Advanced Placement classes, almost 60 percent of the students are female.

It's not that girls are smarter than boys, said Doug Anglin, a 17-year-old senior at the high school.

Girls are outperforming boys because the school system favors them, said Anglin, who has filed a federal civil rights complaint contending that his school discriminates against boys."


FORTUNE: How Pepsi outgunned Coke - Feb. 1, 2006

FORTUNE: How Pepsi outgunned Coke - Feb. 1, 2006: "NEW YORK (FORTUNE) - Pepsi beat Coke in December for the first time in their 108-year rivalry, surpassing its nemesis in market capitalization. The great irony of Pepsi's rise is this: It has never sold more soda than Coke, even today.

'Pepsi's been on fire,' notes Robert van Brugge, beverage analyst with Sanford Bernstein. Over the past five years its stock has risen more than a third, while Coke's has sunk 30 percent."

Salt Lake Tribune - Business

Salt Lake Tribune - Business: "Has BYU prof found AIDS cure?
Compound could be long-sought breakthrough
By Bob Mims
The Salt Lake Tribune

Researchers, including a BYU scientist, believe they have found a new compound that could finally kill the HIV/AIDS virus, not just slow it down as current treatments do.
And, unlike the expensive, drug cocktails 25 years of research have produced for those with the deadly virus, the compound invented by Paul D. Savage of Brigham Young University appears to hunt down and kill HIV.
Although so far limited to early test tube studies, CSA-54, one of a family of compounds called Ceragenins (or CSAs), mimics the disease-fighting characteristics of anti-microbial and anti-viral agents produced naturally by a healthy human immune system.
Under a study sponsored by Ceragenix Pharmaceuticals, Savage and his colleagues developed and synthesized the compound for Vanderbilt University's School of Medicine. In his Nashville, Tenn., laboratories, Derya Unutmaz, an associate professor of Microbiology and Immunology, tested several CSAs for their ability to kill HIV.
While issuing a cautious caveat about his early results, Unutmaz acknowledged Monday that CSAs could be the breakthrough HIV/AIDS researchers have sought for so long. "


Iran to publish Holocaust cartoons - Breaking news - Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au

Iran to publish Holocaust cartoons - Breaking news - Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au: "Iran to publish Holocaust cartoons
From: Agence France-Presse
From correspondents in Tehran

February 07, 2006

IRAN'S largest selling newspaper announced today it was holding a contest on cartoons of the Holocaust in response to the publishing in European papers of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.
'It will be an international cartoon contest about the Holocaust,' said Farid Mortazavi, the graphics editor for Hamshahri newspaper - which is published by Teheran's conservative municipality.

He said the plan was to turn the tables on the assertion that newspapers can print offensive material in the name of freedom of expression.

'The Western papers printed these sacrilegious cartoons on the pretext of freedom of expression, so let's see if they mean what they say and also print these Holocaust cartoons,' he said."

Jacko may sing late Pope's prayers - Breaking news - Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au

Jacko may sing late Pope's prayers - Breaking news - Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au: "Jacko may sing late Pope's prayers
From: Reuters
From correspondents in Rome

February 07, 2006

POP star Michael Jackson could sing some of the prayers written by the late Pope John Paul, the head of the music company coordinating the project said today.
Father Giuseppe Moscati of the Edizioni Musicali Terzo Millennio, which specialises in church music and organises musical events at the Vatican, said his company had the rights to 24 of Pope John Paul's prayers and wanted to put together a group of international artists to set them to music.

'We have been contacted by people close to Michael Jackson who have expressed interest and we are thinking about it,' Father Moscati said.

He dismissed the recent controversy surrounding Jackson, who is living in Bahrain after a Californian court acquitted him of child molestation charges last June.

'He has been cleared of all charges,' Father Moscati said.

'As a celebrity he is perhaps a bit remote from the teachings contained in the Pope's prayers. But if he can help us put together a group of singers that fulfil the criteria of the project, then we'll study the proposal,' he said.

Vatican deputy spokesman Father Ciro Benedettini said the Vatican was not involved in the initiative.

The Catholic church has been rocked by a US priestly sexual abuse scandal that began in Boston in 2002, when it emerged that priests who had abused children and teenagers were transferred from parish to parish instead of being defrocked.

Jackson, originally from Indiana, rose to fame as a child with his brothers in the Jackson 5, and became one of the world's most successful singers. Thriller, from 1982, is one of the biggest-selling albums of all time."

The Observer | UK News | The cure for your allergy: a hookworm

The Observer | UK News | The cure for your allergy: a hookworm: "The cure for your allergy: a hookworm

Jo Revill, health editor
Sunday February 5, 2006
The Observer

A team of British scientists investigating whether a tiny tropical hookworm could provide a cure for asthma and hay fever have committed the ultimate act of bravery by infecting themselves with the parasite to observe the effects.

The experts wanted to see if there would be any unpleasant or dangerous side effects from the worm, Ancylostoma duodenale, so they made the bold decision to allow their own bodies to be infected. Each scientist had to stick some of the tiny hookworm larvae on to their skin with a plaster and wait for the larvae to wriggle through the skin into the lungs, through the bloodstream and into the intestine, where they would produce eggs. The eggs are excreted, but once the adult hookworms are in the gut they start to suck blood from the walls of the intestine. The theory is that this infection triggers an immune response which helps to 'dampen down' the over-reaction of the rest of the system, which is why patients with allergies such as asthma develop symptoms.

Professor David Pritchard and his team at Nottingham University's School of Pharmacy administered different amounts of the hookworms to themselves to prove that it would be safe. Pritchard himself stuck 50 of the larvae onto his skin. 'It was fairly itchy when they first go through the skin,' he admitted. 'After that you don't really notice them.'

The trials proved that at a low 'dosage' of 10 worms the infection was safe. Last week the first patients arrived at the school of pharmacy to have the hookworm larvae administered, to see if it would quell hay fever symptoms. Pritchard said: 'The pollen season is coming in spring and we hope that we might see an alleviation of symptoms in some of the patients who received the worms. If we think there's some indication of success, we would move on to asthma patients.'

In the Seventies doctors first noticed that people infected with hookworms did not seem to suffer from allergies such as asthma, and scientists have reported that Crohn's disease also does not appear in countries where the infection is rife. Pritchard wants to see if the hookworms are influencing regulatory T-cells, which seem to keep the immune responses in check. 'If we can work out how these cells are switched on, then the pharmaceutical industry could become involved.'"


Laugh Doctor's Love Survey Reveals Notable Results About Smiles: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance

Laugh Doctor's Love Survey Reveals Notable Results About Smiles: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance: "LOUISVILLE, Ky., Feb. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- According to a recent survey conducted by the Laugh Doctor, Dr. Cliff Kuhn, 90 percent of women ranked smiles and friendliness ahead of physical appearance when gauging someone's approachability revealing that the ability to smile and to have fun help to attract the opposite sex.

'Wearing a smile appears to be the magnet that will pull someone in faster than dress or other physical attributes, and that's consistent with my field work over the past 35 years,' stated Dr. Kuhn.

Dr. Kuhn, a nationally recognized self improvement guru and personal performance coach says that smiling can enhance sexuality because it immediately decreases stress and fills people with energy and creativity.

'Laughter and a playful sense of humor create an age-old bond that not only brings people together but keeps them together,' stated Dr. Kuhn."

Sex - Dark Side of the Moon: Laugh - A Matter Of Sex

Sex - Dark Side of the Moon: Laugh - A Matter Of Sex: "'Men see being funny as a male thing. When forced to choose between humour production and humour appreciation in potential partners, women valued humour production. Men valued receptivity to their own humour.'"

Indian groom quits wedding midway for lack of dowry - Yahoo! News

Indian groom quits wedding midway for lack of dowry - Yahoo! News: "Although the demanding and giving of a dowry was officially banned in 1961, the practice continues.

Every year, about 6,000 women are killed in India -- often doused with kerosene and set on fire in staged kitchen 'accidents' -- or harassed into suicide by husbands and in-laws angered by unmet dowry demands."

Pocket-lint.co.uk Google delists BMW Germany for foul play news story

Pocket-lint.co.uk Google delists BMW Germany for foul play news story: "Google delists BMW Germany for foul play

05 February 2006 - Google has flexed its muscles and dropped BMW Germany from its search engine following the German car manufacturer’s attempts to artificially boost its popularity ranking.

The move is likely to send shockwaves through the Internet industry over fears that one company has such power and effect over a websites access to the public.

The delisting was reported by Matt Cutts, a software engineer at Google, who works to stop websites tricking the system by featuring hidden text or different content from what the website visitor sees. "

ABC News: Eye Scan Technology Comes to Schools

ABC News: Eye Scan Technology Comes to Schools: "Jan. 25, 2006 — Parents who want to pick up their kids at school in one New Jersey district now can submit to iris scans, as the technology that helps keep our nation's airports and hotels safe begins to make its way further into American lives.

The Freehold Borough School District launched this high-tech, high-wattage security system on Monday with funding from the Department of Justice as part of a study on the system's effectiveness.

As many as four adults can be designated to pick up each child in the district, but in order to be authorized to come into school, they will be asked to register with the district's iris recognition security and visitor management system. At this point, the New Jersey program is not mandatory.

When picking up a child, the adult provides a driver's license and then submits to an eye scan. If the iris image camera recognizes his or her eyes, the door clicks open. If someone tries to slip in behind an authorized person, the system triggers a siren and red flashing lights in the front office. The entire process takes just seconds."

InformationWeek | GPS | LA Cops Fight Car Chases With GPS Devices | February 3, 2006

InformationWeek | GPS | LA Cops Fight Car Chases With GPS Devices | February 3, 2006: "LA Cops Fight Car Chases With GPS Devices

Los Angeles police will propel a GPS device onto a fleeing car. The device will stick to the car and track its location. That'll hopefully reduce dangerous high-speed chases. "

BBC NEWS | Health | Acupuncture 'deactivates brain'

BBC NEWS | Health | Acupuncture 'deactivates brain': "'We have found something quite unexpected - that acupuncture is having a measurable effect on the human brain.

'We are not suggesting that it should be used during surgery, although it is in China, but just that it acts as a pain relief and should be taken seriously.'"

MuniWireless � Blog Archive � “The $200 Billion Broadband Scandal.” — AKA Where’s the 45MB/s I Already Paid for!

MuniWireless � Blog Archive � “The $200 Billion Broadband Scandal.” — AKA Where’s the 45MB/s I Already Paid for!: "The fiber optic infrastructure you paid for was never delivered... "


The End of the Internet?

The End of the Internet?: "Mining Your Data

At the core of the new power held by phone and cable companies are tools delivering what is known as 'deep packet inspection.' With these tools, AT&T and others can readily know the packets of information you are receiving online--from e-mail, to websites, to sharing of music, video and software downloads.

These 'deep packet inspection' technologies are partly designed to make sure that the Internet pipeline doesn't become so congested it chokes off the delivery of timely communications. Such products have already been sold to universities and large businesses that want to more economically manage their Internet services. They are also being used to limit some peer-to-peer downloading, especially for music.

But these tools are also being promoted as ways that companies, such as Comcast and Bell South, can simply grab greater control over the Internet. For example, in a series of recent white papers, Internet technology giant Cisco urges these companies to 'meter individual subscriber usage by application,' as individuals' online travels are 'tracked' and 'integrated with billing systems.' Such tracking and billing is made possible because they will know 'the identity and profile of the individual subscriber,' 'what the subscriber is doing' and 'where the subscriber resides.'

Will Google, Amazon and the other companies successfully fight the plans of the Bells and cable companies? Ultimately, they are likely to cut a deal because they, too, are interested in monetizing our online activities. After all, as Cisco notes, content companies and network providers will need to 'cooperate with each other to leverage their value proposition.' They will be drawn by the ability of cable and phone companies to track 'content usage...by subscriber,' and where their online services can be 'protected from piracy, metered, and appropriately valued.'"

AOL and Yahoo take lead in putting price on e-mail - Business - International Herald Tribune

AOL and Yahoo take lead in putting price on e-mail - Business - International Herald Tribune: "NEW YORK Companies will soon have to buy the electronic equivalent of a postage stamp if they want to be certain that their e-mail will be delivered to many of their customers.

America Online and Yahoo, two of the world's largest providers of e-mail accounts, are about to start using a system that gives preferential treatment to messages from companies that pay from a quarter of a cent to one cent each to have them delivered. The Internet companies say this will help them identify legitimate mail and cut down on junk e-mail, identity-theft scams and other scourges.

The two companies also stand to earn millions of dollars a year from the system if it is widely adopted."

Networking Pipeline | Blog | Google: We Won't Pay Broadband Cyberextortion

Networking Pipeline | Blog | Google: We Won't Pay Broadband Cyberextortion: "Google: We Won't Pay Broadband Cyberextortion

BellSouth and Verizon have been trying to force big Web sites to pay extortion-type fees if the sites want adequate bandwidth, with Google a prime target. But Google has news for them: It won't pay.

Google told Networking Pipeline's Paul Kapustka in no uncertain terms that it won't give in to the cyberextortion. And despite reports to the contrary, Google says, it isn't talking with any carriers about the issue.

Google's Barry Schnitt told Paul in an email: 'Google is not discussing sharing of the costs of broadband networks with any carrier. We believe consumers are already paying to support broadband access to the Internet through subscription fees and, as a result, consumers should have the freedom to use this connection without limitations.'

Google has that absolutely right. We're all already paying through the nose for Internet access, especially compared with the low access prices in the rest of the world. Good for Google for standing up to this cyberextortion.

The BellSouths and Verizons of the world should focus on offering better services at lower prices -- not trying to fine-tune the Tony Soprano business model. That's been tried already, by a company you may have heard of, called Enron. And look where it got them."

World news from The Times and the Sunday Times - Times Online

World news from The Times and the Sunday Times - Times Online: "PRESIDENT BUSH had plans to lure Saddam Hussein into war by flying an aircraft over Iraq painted in UN colours in the hope he would shoot it down, a book reveals."

Technology, Technology news, Times Online

Technology, Technology news, Times Online: "Google has long been rumoured to be planning to launch a PC to retail for less than $100. The Google computers are likely to be low-grade machines that require a connection to Google to be able to perform functions such as word processing and spreadsheet manipulations. While using the computers, it is understood that consumers will be shown personalised advertising from the company's AdWords network.

The various reports prompted analysts Bear Stearns to note last year: 'We think Google could be experimenting with new hardware endeavours that could significantly change potential future applications by Google, creating another advantage for Google over its competitors. Investors may currently under appreciate Google as a potential hardware company.'

The technology industry has also been alive with talk that the Google $100 machines will be less like a standard home PC and more like a television: in effect, one of the first convergent devices betweem the internet and television. While offering the standard PC applications, the 'Google Cube' will also offer interactive content from a variety of sources while retaining Google branding and displaying Google advertising.

A leading content provider, who did not wish to be named, told Times Online: 'We are in discussions with Google to provide content for their alternative internet service, to be distributed through their Google Cube product. As far as I'm aware they have been conducting negotiations with a number of other players in our marketplace to provide quality content to their users.'

However, industry insiders fear that the development of a network of Google Cubes powered over a Google-owned internet network will greatly increase the power that Google wields over online publishers and internet users.

Should Google successfully launch an alternative network, it is is theoretically possible for them to block out competitor websites and only allow users to access websites that have paid Google to be shown to their users."