
MSNBC - U.S. contractors in Iraq allege abuses

MSNBC - U.S. contractors in Iraq allege abuses: "They worked for an American company named Custer Battles, hired by the Pentagon to conduct dangerous missions guarding supply convoys. They were so upset by what they saw, three quit after only one or two missions.

'What we saw, I know the American population wouldn't stand for,' says Craun."

CNN.com - Hitler's retreat to�host luxury hotel - Feb 17, 2005

CNN.com - Hitler's retreat to�host luxury hotel - Feb 17, 2005: "The new hotel, the Intercontinental Resort Berchtesgaden, will open on the Obersalzberg mountaintop to guests on March 1, the Bavarian Finance Ministry said Thursday.

The decision to build a hotel on the site above the German Alp town of Berchtesgaden angered many Jewish groups."


BBC NEWS | England | Cambridgeshire | Serial burglar caught on webcam

BBC NEWS | England | Cambridgeshire | Serial burglar caught on webcam: "A house burglar was caught after a webcam on the owner's computer recorded images of him carrying out the raid.

Stills of serial raider Benjamin Park, 19, of Cambridge, were sent to an email address so even when he stole the computer, the images could be found.

Police said it was a 'brilliant idea' of software engineer Duncan Grisby, who set it after a previous burglary."


CBC News: 1,000-year lifespan a possibility, geneticist says

CBC News: 1,000-year lifespan a possibility, geneticist says: "EDMONTON - Most people accept dying of old age as a natural part of life, but some scientists insist we could be living much longer.

Geneticist Aubrey de Grey of Cambridge University figures humans could live to 1,000 years with the help of biotechnology and various therapies.

Reaching that goal, however, will take at least 10 years of mouse trials and another 15 on humans."

Robotic ball that chases burglars

Telegraph | News | Robotic ball that chases burglars: "A large black ball, originally designed by Swedish scientists for use on Mars, could be the latest weapon in the war against burglars.

The device, developed at the University of Uppsala, acts as a high-tech security guard capable of detecting an intruder thanks to either radar or infra-red sensors. Once alerted, it can summon help, sound an alarm or pursue the intruders, taking pictures.

It is capable of travelling at 20mph, somewhat faster than a human being. Even worse for intruders, the robot ball can still give chase over mud, snow and water."


US News Article | Reuters.com

US News Article | Reuters.com: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Sen. John Kerry, whose baffling explanation of votes on Iraq war funding hurt his 2004 White House bid, said on Tuesday he would back President Bush's new $81.9 billion request for Iraq and Afghanistan.

'I think we're in a very different situation,' Kerry told reporters. 'I'm going to vote for this ... I think this money is important to our being successful and to the completion of the process.'

The Massachusetts senator, who failed in his bid to unseat Bush last November in an election focused on national security, defended his decision to not back the president's previous request to fund military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

'Mine was the right vote at the time and I wouldn't change it if we went back to that point in time because it was the right vote,' Kerry said. 'We didn't have a plan and they didn't spend the money correctly.'"

Jesus at 12 Posted by Hello

Herald Sun: Is this Jesus?

Herald Sun: Is this Jesus? [13feb05]: "IS this what Jesus of Nazareth looked like as a boy?

Forensic experts in Italy have come up with this computer-generated sketch of a fair-skinned young Jesus with wavy hair and dark eyes, based on historical data and images from the controversial Shroud of Turin."

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Women 'need longer to learn to drive'

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Women 'need longer to learn to drive': "While a certain type of stand-up comic insists that women make the poorer drivers, few expected the government's chief driving examiner to say the same.

But yesterday Roger Cummins fired a shot in this particular battle of the sexes by releasing the Driving Standards Agency's pass rates, which apparently show that women need more time and attempts to pass the driving test."


Backpage Article Display

Backpage Article Display: "Ukraine - A 63-year-old man who hasn't slept for more than two decades has been told there is nothing wrong with him.

Ukrainian Fyodor Nesterchuk from the town of Kamen-Kashirsky said the last time he managed to doze off was more than 20 years ago."

Finally - why women can't read maps

News.com.au | Finally - why women can't read maps (24-01-2005): "MEN frequently despair at women's map-reading skills - or rather their lack of them. Now scientists believe they have pinpointed the reason for this conflict between the sexes.
Researchers say it is all down to differences in the reliance of the sexes on either grey matter or white matter in their brains to solve problems.

They found that in intelligence tests men use 6.5 times as much grey matter as women, but women use nine times as much white matter.

Grey matter is brain tissue crucial to processing information and plays a vital role in aiding skills such as mathematics, map-reading and intellectual thought."

law.com - Article

law.com - Article: "As often happens in the hip-hop world, two rappers became embroiled in a dispute over who owned the rights to a song that utilized a popular phrase. And it took the musical ear of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to settle the matter. "

Ananova - Man peed way out of avalanche

Ananova - Man peed way out of avalanche: "A Slovak man trapped in his car under an avalanche freed himself by drinking 60 bottles of beer and urinating on the snow to melt it."

Excessive medical expenses / Study finds that half of health care dollars are wasted

Excessive medical expenses / Study finds that half of health care dollars are wasted: "About 50 percent of health care spending is eaten up by waste, excessive prices and fraud, according to a report set for release today by Boston University researchers.

Major sources of unnecessary spending include administrative costs and profit in the insurance industry, high prices of prescription drugs and health services and, to a smaller extent, theft and fraud, according to the study."

Ice Chewers Bulletin Board - All about Chewing Ice :: Index

Ice Chewers Bulletin Board - All about Chewing Ice :: Index

Sharon Osbourne: Ozzys Drug Laced Stew Turn Sharon Osbourne Into Sex Mad Hulk!

Sharon Osbourne: Ozzys Drug Laced Stew Turn Sharon Osbourne Into Sex Mad Hulk!: "SHARON OSBOURNE eyes her husband OZZY's cooking suspiciously these days, after he put drugs in a stew he cooked for her."

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | A genius explains

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | A genius explains: "Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant. He can perform mind-boggling mathematical calculations at breakneck speeds. But unlike other savants, who can perform similar feats, Tammet can describe how he does it. He speaks seven languages and is even devising his own language. Now scientists are asking whether his exceptional abilities are the key to unlock the secrets of autism."


Control all 'tyrannical' world oil chokepoints? A Peek Behind Bush II's 'War on Tyranny' : William Engdahl

Véhicules hybrides - un peu d'histoire

"La technologie et la puissance électronique modernes ont ressuscité les véhicules à groupe propulseur hybride 'essence-électrique', et plusieurs modèles de ce type sont actuellement en vente au Canada. "