
For First Time, Chimps Seen Making Weapons for Hunting - washingtonpost.com

For First Time, Chimps Seen Making Weapons for Hunting - washingtonpost.com: "Chimpanzees living in the West African savannah have been observed fashioning deadly spears from sticks and using the tools to hunt small mammals -- the first routine production of deadly weapons ever observed in animals other than humans."


Independent Online Edition > Health Medical

Independent Online Edition > Health Medical: "Campaigners against genetically modified crops in Britain last are calling for trials of GM potatoes this spring to be halted after releasing more evidence of links with cancers in laboratory rats."


Australia says lights out to incandescent bulbs

Australia says lights out to incandescent bulbs: "Australia has announced it will ban incandescent light bulbs in three years in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, becoming the first country to do away with this technology, which has been in use for more than a century."


CNN - Asteroid on course for near-collision with Earth - March 11, 1998

CNN - Asteroid on course for near-collision with Earth - March 11, 1998: "CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (CNN) -- Astronomers say a mile-wide asteroid described as 'the most dangerous one we've found so far' may be on course for a near-miss -- or even a collision -- with Earth in the year 2028.

Some astronomers say the asteroid will come within 30,000 miles of the Earth, and they agree with Dr. Brian Marsden of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) who says, 'Chances are it will miss' Earth.

'The chance of an actual collision is small, but one is not entirely out of the question,' says a notice filed by the IAU."

WTO | NEWS - WTO Announces Formalized Slavery Model for Africa - Press 388

WTO | NEWS - WTO Announces Formalized Slavery Model for Africa - Press 388