
ENN: New Record: Wind Powers 40% Of Spain

ENN: New Record: Wind Powers 40% Of Spain: "Wind power is breaking new records in Spain, accounting for just over 40 percent of all electricity consumed during a brief period last weekend."


Ted Turner: Global warming could lead to cannibalism | ajc.com

Ted Turner: Global warming could lead to cannibalism | ajc.com: "'Right now, the U.S. is spending $500 billion a year on the military, which is more than all 190 countries in the world put together,' he said.

'The two countries that the military industrial complex and some of our politicians would like to demonize and make enemies are Russia and China,' Turner said. 'China just wants to sell us shoes. They're not building landing craft to attack the United States, and Russia wants to be our friends, too.'

He said that despite the United States' huge military budget, 'we can't win in Iraq.'

'We're being beaten by insurgents who don't even have any tanks, they don't have a headquarters, they don't have a Pentagon, we don't even know if they have any generals,' Turner told Rose.

Turner called the Iraqi insurgents 'patriots' who 'don't like us because we invaded their country and occupied it. Nobody likes to be invaded.'"

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'No Sun link' to climate change

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'No Sun link' to climate change: "Scientists have produced further compelling evidence showing that modern-day climate change is not caused by changes in the Sun's activity."


Thirty-Six U.S. States to Face Water Shortages in the Next Five Years

Thirty-Six U.S. States to Face Water Shortages in the Next Five Years: "'Is it a crisis? If we don't do some decent water planning, it could be,' said Jack Hoffbuhr, executive director of the American Water Works Association. Rising temperatures due to global warming have increased evaporation rates across the country and reduced the availability of important water sources. One of these is the Sierra Nevada snowpack, which supplies a significant portion of California's water. Across the West, similar trends are expected to reduce flows of the Colorado River, which supplies water for seven states.

Meanwhile, rising sea levels are expected to cause saltwater to infiltrate freshwater aquifers in coastal states, rendering that water unusable."


The suit that's turned the swim world on its head - Los Angeles Times

The suit that's turned the swim world on its head - Los Angeles Times: "Records are falling to competitors wearing Speedo's new LZR Racer. Critics say it constitutes an unfair advantage."


Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking' - Health News, Health & Wellbeing - The Independent

Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking' - Health News, Health & Wellbeing - The Independent: "Mobile phones could kill far more people than smoking or asbestos, a study by an award-winning cancer expert has concluded. He says people should avoid using them wherever possible and that governments and the mobile phone industry must take 'immediate steps' to reduce exposure to their radiation"


Muslims more numerous than Catholics: Vatican | Top News | Reuters

Muslims more numerous than Catholics: Vatican | Top News | Reuters: "VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Islam has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world, the Vatican said on Sunday."

Scroll to Mr. Bush Reminds Him of His Historic Role - Politics & Government - Israel News - Arutz Sheva

Scroll to Mr. Bush Reminds Him of His Historic Role - Politics & Government - Israel News - Arutz Sheva: "(IsraelNN.com) A historic document is planned to be submitted to visiting US President George Bush upon his arrival this week, calling upon him to choose to be remembered like Cyrus, and not like Nebuchadnezzar.

The document, grandly transcribed on parchment and furled into a scroll, is addressed to the the 'Leader of the West.' It reminds President Bush to 'declare to the world' that he will honor G-d's word and act 'towards settling the Jewish People throughout their entire Land.'"