
EPA May Drop Lead Air Pollution Limits - washingtonpost.com

EPA May Drop Lead Air Pollution Limits - washingtonpost.com: "WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration is considering doing away with health standards that cut lead from gasoline, widely regarded as one of the nation's biggest clean-air accomplishments.

Battery makers, lead smelters, refiners all have lobbied the administration to do away with the Clean Air Act limits."


Sensible Erection | What Statistics on U.S. Home Sales Aren’t Saying

Sensible Erection | What Statistics on U.S. Home Sales Aren’t Saying: "In reality, homes across much of Florida, California and the Northeast are worth a lot less than they were a year ago. The auction in Naples may have exaggerated the downturn in the market there, but not by much. Tom Doyle, a Naples real estate agent, estimated that a typical house there, sold in the normal way, would go for about 20 percent less than it did the previous fall.

In the Boston area, prices have fallen about 10 to 15 percent since the middle of 2005, estimated Chobee Hoy, who owns a real estate brokerage firm in Brookline."

Link Between Cell Phones And Cancer Not Proven

Link Between Cell Phones And Cancer Not Proven: "A 20-year study of Danish cell phone users shows short or long term use of cell phones is not linked to increased risk of brain cancer.

The study conducted by the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, involved over 400 thousand Danish cell phone users who were tested for cancer up to 21 years after first starting to use cell phones between 1982 and 1995. The cancers investigated were tumours in the brain, salivary glands, and the eyes. Acoustic neuroma (a benign slow growing tumour in the brain's hearing and balance nerve) and leukemia were also covered in the study."

ACS :: Study: No Evidence Cell Phones Cause Cancer

ACS :: Study: No Evidence Cell Phones Cause Cancer: "Summary: Using cell phones, even over a long period of time, does not appear to raise a person's risk for cancer, Danish researchers report. Their study, which appears in today's Journal of the National Cancer Institute, is the first to include people who had used cell phones for as long as 21 years."

NY bans most trans fats from restaurants�|�US News�|�Reuters.com

NY bans most trans fats from restaurants�|�US News�|�Reuters.com: "NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City banned most artificial trans fats from restaurants on Tuesday, forcing national fast-food chains and mom-and-pop diners alike to phase out artery-clogging oils from their cooking.

The law is believed to be the first of its kind in the United States and will require restaurants including McDonald's Corp. to eliminate trans fats by July 2007."

Richest tenth own 85% of world's assets - World - Times Online

Richest tenth own 85% of world's assets - World - Times Online: "Where the wealth is

The richest 2 per cent of adults own more than half the world’s wealth, according to the most comprehensive study of personal assets.

Among the largest economies, Britain boasted the third-highest average wealth of $126,832 (�64,172) per adult, after the United States and Japan, a United Nations development research institute found.

Those with assets of $500,000 could consider themselves to be among the richest 1 per cent in the world. Those with net assets of $2,200 per adult were in the top half of the wealth distribution. "