
Two-year-old 'Matilda' becomes youngest ever girl in Mensa | the Daily Mail

Two-year-old 'Matilda' becomes youngest ever girl in Mensa | the Daily Mail: "Her parents knew Georgia Brown was bright. After all, she could count to ten, recognised her colours and was even starting to dabble with French.

But it was only when their bubbly little two-year-old took an IQ test that her towering intellect was confirmed.

Georgia has become the youngest female member of Mensa after scoring a genius-rated IQ of 152."

Firstborn children are the cleverest - being-human - 21 June 2007 - New Scientist

Firstborn children are the cleverest - being-human - 21 June 2007 - New Scientist: "Firstborn children score significantly higher in IQ tests than their younger siblings, according to a large study of 250,000 military draftees in Norway."


Geronimo's great-grandson wants bones returned - Boston.com

Geronimo's great-grandson wants bones returned - Boston.com: "SANTA FE, N.M. --Legend has it that Yale University's ultrasecret Skull and Bones society swiped the remains of American Indian leader Geronimo nearly a century ago from an Army outpost in Oklahoma... Harlyn Geronimo, 59, of Mescalero, N.M., wants to prove the skull and bones purportedly taken from a burial plot in Fort Sill, Okla., are indeed those of his great-grandfather. They're now said to be in a stone tomb that serves as the club's headquarters."