
Snow in July? A Mixed Blessing in the Northern Rockies - NYTimes.com

Snow in July? A Mixed Blessing in the Northern Rockies - NYTimes.com: "But huge amounts of snow still blanket the Northern Rockies high country, in part because of record snowfalls in Montana this year, so the opening will not take place until Wednesday, the latest on record by a day, except for World War II when the road was not plowed at all."


A Pill to Cure Alcoholism? - US News and World Report

A Pill to Cure Alcoholism? - US News and World Report: "People struggling with alcohol addiction got some promising news this week A team led by researchers at the University of Virginia Health System reported that the drug topiramate can lead to a reduction in heavy drinking. Topiramate is currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat seizures and migraine headaches. But doctors can prescribe it 'off label' for alcohol dependence."

Bloomberg Printer-Friendly Page

Bloomberg: "In the U.S., 42 percent said they had used marijuana and 16 percent had tried cocaine, according to the study published in the journal of the Public Library of Science. In the Netherlands, where people can go to cafes to smoke marijuana, 20 percent have tried that drug and 1.9 percent sampled cocaine."
