
UK to share fingerprints with Canada, Australia - ZDNet.co.uk

UK to share fingerprints with Canada, Australia - ZDNet.co.uk: "The Home Office has started sharing fingerprint data with Canada and Australia for the purpose of checking deeper into the backgrounds of migrants under suspicion."

Father still seeking Lockerbie truth after 20 years - Telegraph

Father still seeking Lockerbie truth after 20 years - Telegraph: "Unlike many of the American families of victims on the flight from London to New York — and, indeed, President Barack Obama — Swire was vocal in applauding the release of the only man convicted of the outrage, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, who is terminally ill.

“I am a Christian, so I would hope that, even if I was convinced that Megrahi was guilty, my Christian compassion and forgiveness would extend to wanting to see him die with his family around him in Libya,” he says. “But I am convinced Megrahi is innocent.”"

DNA could be faked by criminals, new study claims - Telegraph

DNA could be faked by criminals, new study claims - Telegraph: "In experiments, a team of Israeli scientists were able to obliterate all traces of DNA from a blood sample and add someone else's genetic material in its place.

The process was so successful that it fooled forensic scientists who carry out DNA fingerprinting for American courts.

The findings threaten to undermine the key forensic technique, which has secured thousands of convictions in Britain and around the world."


Exposure to nanoparticles is related to pleural effusion, pulmonary fibrosis and granuloma -- Song et al., 10.1183/09031936.00178308 -- European Respiratory Journal

Exposure to nanoparticles is related to pleural effusion, pulmonary fibrosis and granuloma - European Respiratory Journal: "Polyacrylate, consisting of nano particles, was confirmed in the workplace. Pathological examinations of patients' lung tissue displayed non-specific pulmonary inflammation, pulmonary fibrosis and foreign-body granulomas of pleura. By transmission electron microscopy, nano particles were observed to lodge in the cytoplasm and caryoplasm of pulmonary epithelial and mesothelial cells, but also locate in the chest fluid. These cases arouse concern that long-term exposure to some nano particles without protective measures may be related to serious damage to human lungs."

Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession - NYTimes.com

Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession - NYTimes.com: "MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico enacted a controversial law on Thursday decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and other drugs while encouraging government-financed treatment for drug dependency free of charge."

Families' reaction: 'Too many questions are still unanswered' - Home News, UK - The Independent

Families' reaction: 'Too many questions are still unanswered' - Home News, UK - The Independent: "In contrast to their American counterparts, relatives on this side of the Atlantic have remained sceptical of the evidence brought against Megrahi and voiced support for the decision to release him, although they spoke of their frustration that his decision to abandon his appeal may mean the true culprits are never brought to justice."


Cannabis treats prostate cancer, study finds

Cannabis treats prostate cancer, study finds: "Following the growing interest in medical benefits of cannabis, a new study finds that the compound can help fight prostate cancer."

Paul Armentano: If Pot Prevented Cancer You Would Have Read About It, Right?

Paul Armentano: If Pot Prevented Cancer You Would Have Read About It, Right?: "Writing in the August issue of the journal Cancer Prevention Research, investigators from Rhode Island's Brown University, along with researchers at Boston University, Louisiana State University, and the University of Minnesota reported that lifetime marijuana use is associated with a 'significantly reduced risk' of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma."


420butts - Marijuana’s Impact On Brain Function “Minimal,” New Study Says

420butts - Marijuana’s Impact On Brain Function “Minimal,” New Study Says: "Investigators concluded, “Minimal evidence of major effects of cannabis on brain structure has been reported,” noting that Marijuana users and controls perform similarly on cognitive tasks."