
'I didn't eat and I didn't sleep' / Coin dealer flies dime worth $1.9 million to NYC

'I didn't eat and I didn't sleep' / Coin dealer flies dime worth $1.9 million to NYC: "(07-26) 19:04 PDT -- John Feigenbaum flew out of San Jose this week in first class, with flip-flops on his feet, a T-shirt on his back and a dime worth $1.9 million in his pocket."

Iraq war boss says US draft 'worth considering' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Iraq war boss says US draft 'worth considering' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation): "The top US military officer in charge of coordinating the war effort in Iraq says that it makes sense to consider a return of the draft to meet the military's needs."


Dow Sinks 387 on Renewed Credit Concerns - The Huffington Post

Dow Sinks 387 on Renewed Credit Concerns - The Huffington Post: "The ECB's injection of money into the system is an unprecedented move, said Joseph V. Battipaglia, chief investment officer at Ryan Beck & Co., adding that it shows that problems in subprime lending are, in fact, spreading into the general economy. 'This is a mini-panic,' he said. 'All the things that had been denied up until this point are unraveling. On top of this, retail sales were mediocre, which shows that indeed, the housing collapse is affecting the consumer.'"

Russian bombers buzz US base in Guam - Telegraph

Russian bombers buzz US base in Guam - Telegraph: "Moscow said that US fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the two Tupolev-95 warplanes as they resumed the Cold War era practice of flying over Western offshore military installations in a mission on Wednesday. The incident, seen as the latest attempt by a revitalised Russia to project its military might, is likely to have unnerved the Pentagon and caused further perplexity at the State Department over the Kremlin's mercurial course."

Laughing gas 'may raise risk of heart attack' | the Daily Mail

Laughing gas 'may raise risk of heart attack' | the Daily Mail: "'The routine use of nitrous oxide in adult patients undergoing major surgery should be questioned.'"


In Iraq, a Perilous Alliance With Former Enemies - washingtonpost.com

In Iraq, a Perilous Alliance With Former Enemies - washingtonpost.com: "U.S. commanders are offering large sums to enlist, at breakneck pace, their former enemies, handing them broad security powers in a risky effort to tame this fractious area south of Baghdad in Babil province and, literally, buy time for national reconciliation."


Technology Review: Electric Fields Kill Tumors

Technology Review: Electric Fields Kill Tumors: "An Israeli company is conducting human tests for a device that uses weak electric fields to kill cancer cells but has no effect on normal cells. The device is in late-stage clinical trials in the United States and Europe for glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer. It is also being tested in Europe for its effectiveness against breast cancer. In the lab and in animal testing, treatment with electric fields has killed cancer cells of every type tested."