
Laugh Doctor's Love Survey Reveals Notable Results About Smiles: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance

Laugh Doctor's Love Survey Reveals Notable Results About Smiles: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance: "LOUISVILLE, Ky., Feb. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- According to a recent survey conducted by the Laugh Doctor, Dr. Cliff Kuhn, 90 percent of women ranked smiles and friendliness ahead of physical appearance when gauging someone's approachability revealing that the ability to smile and to have fun help to attract the opposite sex.

'Wearing a smile appears to be the magnet that will pull someone in faster than dress or other physical attributes, and that's consistent with my field work over the past 35 years,' stated Dr. Kuhn.

Dr. Kuhn, a nationally recognized self improvement guru and personal performance coach says that smiling can enhance sexuality because it immediately decreases stress and fills people with energy and creativity.

'Laughter and a playful sense of humor create an age-old bond that not only brings people together but keeps them together,' stated Dr. Kuhn."

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